Sean Dailey

Umm, cause it's super obvious?

Yo, I'm 99% sure this is a cosplayer or from some comedy video, not the actual Night's King actor/performer.

I caught this in Chicago and it was the most I'd laughed at a live show in years. Fucking perfect.

"Resident Evil, whose only elements that distinguish it from any other zombie franchise are recognizable (term used rather loosely) names like Umbrella Corporation, Jill Valentine, Alice Whatserface, etc., and the light sci-fi Matrixy elements at the periphery."

"Had" a friend. Past-tense.

Amazon has release date shipping and 20% off new games within 2 weeks of release for Prime members. There's literally no reason to go GameStop or Best Buy.

Zing Zang's little gritty bits are so good.

Favorite store-bought mix? Zing Zang or GTFO.

Agreed, I've just never heard it called that before.

Univision is the corporate parent of Fusion Media Group yes, and Fusion Media Group owns Giz/Jez et al and has a 40% stake in The Onion, which is the corporate owner of AV Club. I'd call it a cousin site over a sister site.

Wait, how is Jezebel the AV Club's sister site again? Because of Fusion's 40% stake in the Onion?

You're a long way from home, yuppie-boy. I'll start a tab.

Noah Wylie also does some really good work in this episode.

Do you not use Feedly or some other RSS client to read AVClub/Everything? SUPER easy to just scroll past the shit you don't wan to read!

Oh totally. I think Darlene assumed White Rose was a man (and why she referenced her as "he" earlier the episode). If we never see her again, I think trans is a pretty safe assumption.

I mean, sure. Using the pronoun someone prefers isn't "PC-ness," it's just common fucking decency, but yeah. White Rose could be a man in drag or a trans person. Disguise didn't really occur to me.

Trans. Elliott refers to White Rose as "she" a couple of times.

Monster Squad is better than The Goonies. Come at me!

Game Grumps is my jam.

Ahhh, OK, I see it. The line break after the dash makes it super confusing.