What’s with the “Marcus Rubinstein” statement?
What’s with the “Marcus Rubinstein” statement?
How about all states who voted against Trump declare their will to secede from the USA and combine it with the intention to join up with Canada ?
It further proves one can’t buy class.
This is so deliciously good.
This. Is. Hilarious.
Jason, you never come off as a lying ingratiating attention whore.
I know there’s really no way to prove this, but I really do take seriously the idea of telling the truth in what I write– well, when I’m not making some stupid joke. But I really do have a copy of the book Rocketship, and it really does have a reprint of this old comic, and that is really what I thought of when I…
Oh my god I am so damn sorry.
That’s so kind...thank you so much. Hugs back!
This made me tear up. Hugs and love to you
I lost my first husband when I was 32. Numb slog is a perfect description. I cried hysterically the first day, after they took his body away, then I just shifted into going through the motions. It was about a year before I got back to mostly functioning. Three years before I didn’t tear up when I thought about him.
Mine is “closure”. I fucking hate the entire concept, and it’s like if you don’t get or feel closure, here’s another thing you’ve failed at. The reality is some things are just so big, it takes a lifetime to deal with them.
I lost my husband to melanoma 4.5 years ago. He had just turned 50, and I was 10 years younger. I am better now, and even got extremely lucky in finding a rather amazing, patient love again 8 months ago, but I am still a mess in spots.
Empowering is a word I fucking hate. “I feel so empowered by this.” Oh, go fuck your cinnamon bagel and leave the rest of us alone.
“God has a plan” is another one i hate. I know it (usually) comes from a good place, of wanting to help someone find some meaning when their loved ones are taken from them. For me, despite being Christian ( just not very loud about it) and beliving in God and Jesus, I did not want to hear that right after my father…
Bless him for telling the truth. The euphemisms around death are are not helpful. They’re insipid.
Guy’s got a point. :(
“She won the argument in the worst way!”
Ah, Patton is smart and great at explaining what a loss and “healing” really feels like. I really like him. Glad he’s back out there.