
I see a replenishing drinks cabinet.

I think Gabbard was probably referring to drafting people in general. Tulsi is one of my favorite Congresswomen, a liberal Democrat (she endorsed Bernie), a Veteran, and has been a big supporter of opening combat positions to women so I doubt she was making some comment about women not being qualified to serve,


I took that as her saying that volunteers are better than draftees in general, men or women.

I’m pretty sure what she was trying to get at is that she doesn’t support the idea of a draft for anyone, regardless of gender. She wants a volunteer military where everyone is a willing, professional soldier

I think her statement was actually saying that she’s against the draft in general for both genders because willing people make better soldiers. She voted for the bill because she thinks that if there is a draft, everyone should be involved, but on a larger level thinks the legislature should be eliminating the draft

That seemed more like an argument against having a draft at all than against having women included.

I only started doing this recently, and honestly it’s so much more enjoyable. My friends don’t love my favorite band like I do, so bringing them feels like a chore. And no one is paying attention to if you’re there alone or not anyway ;)

It just occurred to me, reading the article and then your comment, that I’ve never, ever done this in my life. I always feel like I have to drag someone along to a show. I’m now putting this on my list of things to try at least once. It is a crappy feeling when you bring someone to hear a favorite band or artist and

Ah, shit. I can’t believe I missed this. I love Bonnie Raitt with the fire of a thousand suns.

100% this. As an outsider who works vaguely in law enforcement in anothe jurisdiction, it seems to me that the problem with policing in the US runs much deeper than just the way victims are handled.

Since they’re being built from new-old parts, wouldn’t these be considered brand new cars, not replicas?

That is one of my favorites. The first amendment protects (some) speech from the government trying to silence you. Individuals can still shout you down, and your private university can, in fact, fire you for the bullsh*t you spout off.

Yes. “Women’s studies” and “Men’s Studies” — some will argue they’re important; I’ll argue that both lead to some pretty boring reading. Let’s cut to the chase: Why can’t we marginalize people whose views are harmful to other members of society? That’s monkey law. If you can’t be politically correct enough to function

Of course feminism admits men to suffer from patriarchy, I am not trying to say feminism is anti-men. Else I would not consider myself a feminist. I just don’t find the loudest voices reflective off that. I am not trying to excuse for a 20-year-old MRA, who thinks women deserve rape, that person is an adult and should

What an idiot this guy is!

What baffles me is why a gay man is telling straight men that not being nice to women is a good way to have sex with them. How would he know?

That passage is one of those things that says far more about the author than about his purported subject. You just know his relationships with women throughout his life had to be seriously dysfunctional, most likely because he’s just a self-obsessed jerk.

As of all one needs to separate the wheat from the chaff. While White Cis men are certainly privileged, observation of privilege does not negate the rest of their humanity. Most people do want to express their emotional cravings, it is intrinsic, men have little channels do so though. Even feminist networks are not

I refer to men who are shrouded in this fog as FUMs, fogged up men; other terms come to mind. They may might not be feminists but as they wander through the mist of politics and polemic about women, they feel like they should be feminists. They think feminism is good for everybody and they want to be nice to women.