
Cynthia Heimel wrote a hilarious piece about trying testosterone patches to see what it was like and saying "how do men ever think?" She really enjoyed watching football and driving her truck and realizing she was the most awesome person in the bar but quit when she felt like her lust was a separate entity, just

"Hey Mike. Who gives a shit?"

On my fathers 50th birthday we threw him a surprise party. All eight of my siblings made the trip to be there and one of my younger brothers brought his then girlfriend and her cousin tagged along. I immediately noticed her gracefulness but at the time was going through the realization that I had failed at my chosen

This one happened to me, relatively recently.

It was a glorious summer day in drawing class so we all went out to the historical cemetery on campus to sketch. I was wearing a red sundress and I decided that I really wanted to get the attention of this one guy I'd been checking out all term.

The other option is of course comprehensive sex education, low cost birth control and legal abortions, all of which your state opposes at every chance.

Perhaps this is just the IT support guy in me, but I would be really concerned about the likelihood that one of these would fail. Some desperate mom trying to do the right thing puts her newborn in, but there's some minor bug that prevents the 911 call from going off, and the kid dies.

Handing the child to a trained professional also provides an opportunity to determine whether the mother simply needs financial support or other help to develop a parenting plan.

"very small orgy"

"Have female characters of various body types"

All of these things are fair and rational requests to make. Can't see any reason anyone would have a problem with any of them.

Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham

As a Catholic, its incredibly UNCHILL, its not as if all the TeaBagger Protestant zealots aren't full of bullshit stuff like ""Catholics aren't Christians"" anyhow... So fuck that team....Article has been forwarded to the ""Cool Pope"" for his perusal.

Who in the eff thought this was a good idea? Awful.

The "Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker is always recommended in advice columnist reading circles. It's more about avoiding abusive people generally though.

This is why I can never have children.

Penn State's students continue to embarass themselves, Deadspin posts articles to that effect often. All universities have student bodies that raise huge amounts of money for charities, found charities, solve the world's problems, etc. That's not an achievement, that's what the youth of the world is expected to do

thing guy was doing barely happens to him, mind is changed, is victim now.

Yes, only because the cylinder falls out.