
I understand this argument, and I agree he'd have made a terrific Cage, but I was just so happy to see a show cast a tall, relatively muscular, imposing black actor as a lab rat, a gentle guy with a therapist's touch, and one of the tiny minority of characters on the show NOT trained to kill people.

When I read the first Reacher book, back when it came out, I immediately pictured an aged Dwayne Johnson in the part. I still do. The Rock isn't old enough, but he at least has the physical presence of the character.

no problem! I didn't mean to criticize the choice. I was wondering if this was the cover art these days.

What is going on in this picture? I read this book years ago and don't recall picturing her as a busty vixen with an eight inch waist ready to unzip her skimpy top with one hand while shooting with the other. This is spiderwoman-cover ridiculous.

And, in all likelihood, the MCU's version of Kenny from Southpark. They killed Eric. Now they'll kill Billy. Sam will be around for 2-3 episodes, then Walt. Adam. Tom. Scott. Pepe. Sven. Hiro. Jamal...

At least as major characters for the show to focus on, yes. Not counting Koenigs, we have ten — Coulson, May, Ward, Skye, Fitz, Simmons, Tripp, Mack, Morse and Hunter — and it's getting so unwieldy that Tripp is lucky to get a punchline every-other episode (and i like him — if we're trimming, he stays). With, what,

That makes an awful lot of sense, but what a disappointing answer. It doesn't really up the stakes to kill an LMD you have dozens of. And the story, good as it is, has grown to involve too many characters, so that no one's arc is getting explored fully. I actually think they *need* to trim a few characters at this

Man-to-man, you need to reconsider this argument. Just do the math. How much do you have to spend, compared to your female colleagues, on wardrobe?

What confuses me is that I've read in several places that the key to getting any movie financed these days is having a bankable star attached to the project from the early stages. When you pitch to studios, if you're pitching just a script, they don't listen. But if you're pitching a script with a star signed on,

Came here to post this, but I'm too confused by the photo of the stunt double to explain my love for the movie...

There may be some truth to that. The arguments against it are chiefly two:

I swear, I am an adult. Fully qualified, with a driver's license and bills and several kinds of scotch in a cabinet.

Forgive my ignorance, but I'm not going to go over there to find out and give them the click — don't 4chan users have usernames and such? It seems like there's an electronic trail of evidence here to establish your point easily enough. Even if he created a throwaway for this, how hard is it to crack most of those?

Sadly, you're right. We get more celebrity gossip, less intellectual discussion, and the occasional reactionary white feminist piece with little serious analysis behind it. Today's been a disappointing day, but this piece was phenomenal.

You seem, to me, to be saying that whether or not what Lena did was wrong is dependent on her sister's public explanation of it.

I see the same. I assume that, in light of the comments, it's been taken down. It will probably be reposted in revised form later. But let readers note, anything that appears here after 1:30 Eastern Time or so is not what the comments until now have been responding to. The link currently goes to a headline with no

No, it doesn't matter at all.

Read Stephen King's UR. It was just a silly little thought exercise on the creation of the Amazon Kindle, but it turned into a fun story along the lines of what you're describing.

Thank you. I had never heard that story, and I suppose I didn't need any more evidence to give her up after this, but I deleted the last Dresden Dolls track I had held onto after reading that. And I'm upset with myself for holding onto it for that long.

I'm so glad someone else has heard of a relatively happy ghost.