Sean Daugherty

I would argue that they need exactly the opposite. For years, Dan Didio did his best to mould DC Comics into an editorially-driven line where he and a handful of others (primarily Geoff Johns) set the tone, direction, and major story lines. That approach resulted in both the abysmally bad Countdown and, ultimately, in

And Jon Snow is really dead, you guys!

Yes, but I enjoyed Batman v. Superman. The simple fact of the matter is that the first two Superman movies are better than almost any superhero movies. Even Marvel’s only released maybe two films that come close.

They didn’t. Suicide Squad is doing reshoots, but they were already planned before the critical reaction to Batman v. Superman hit and have more to do with the availability of certain actors than altering the tone. The only reason anyone thinks they’re doing it to “add more jokes” has to do with a single unsourced

This has been denied by literally everyone involved in the production, and all the support stems from a single article from a rumor site. Suicide Squad is undergoing reshoots. Like almost every other movie. They were scheduled before Batman v. Superman premiered, and primarily have to do with the availability of the

That was one of the best issues of Superman I’ve read in a long while. No, it’s not the most original story concept (what is, these days?), but it’s executed exceedingly well. This is the New 52 at his most likeable and noble. The art is gorgeous as well. If the book had been this consistently good since the start of

I’ve been saying exactly that about the movie’s ending since the film was released, and I more or less liked the movie. In addition, I think it makes a mess of Dr. Manhattan’s character arc: in the comic, the fact that he basically loses interest in the petty affairs of humanity and decides to leave them behind is the

Yeah, that was basically what I said when io9 posted an article on this last week. I think Snyder is a lot better than he gets credit for, but I cannot and will not follow him down this particular rabbit hole.

It has them scrambling and desperate - so desperate, that they sent back Suicide Squad for reshoots to “add more humor like Deadpool,” (that is a direct quote from the studio, yes)

I certainly hope the author doesn’t make a decision to alter or hide his opinions solely because they’re out of the mainstream. Pay attention to what other people say and consider it, certainly, but, in the end, what you’re flatly suggesting is chilling. “You’re wrong because everybody else says you’re wrong” is

Interestingly, I notice that the first three X-Men films tend to get left out a lot when discussing the evolution of superhero/comic book movies. I’m still not entirely sure why that is. I think there’s a fundamental difference between the X-Men movies (at least, the pre-First Class ones) and what we generally

I believe that Marvel also retained most (if not all) of the merchandising rights, and pulled in a fair bit of profit from that. I know that’s the case when it comes to Sony and the Spider-Man license. Your basic point stands, though.

God, I’m tired of this argument. I have liked bad movies. Batman v Superman is not one of them. I legitimately believe that it is a good movie, and none of the criticisms I’ve seen have made a convincing case otherwise. Critics of this movie seem to have a pathological need to have their opinions upheld by everyone

Jessica Cruz. She’s been kicking around in Justice League for a year or two as Power Ring, having inherited her ring from the villain of the same name for the Crime Syndicate of Earth-3 after their failed invasion during the Forever Evil crossover. She has a weird, frequently adversarial relationship with the ring. It

I’m thrilled that both Superman: Lois and Clark and Titans Hunt are continuing on with new names, since I loved both of those books and want them to succeed. And I’m doubly pleased that Lois and Clark is getting an “upgrade” into Action Comics.

There really wasn’t anything wrong with The Golden Compass. There wasn’t much particularly right about it either, mind you, but it was a perfectly adequate-if-workmanlike adaptation of the novel. People make a huge deal about how New Line removed most of the religious themes, and that’s true to an extent... but those

Doom 64 isn’t a port of the PC version. It’s a full sequel, with entirely different levels, changes to the monsters and the mechanics, and so on. And the levels are really well made, even if I personally don’t like some of the aesthetic changes (the redesigned monsters have never really done anything for me and I

I consider myself a defender of Zack Synder. I even enjoyed Sucker Punch. But I do not want this, and I will not watch it.

The earliest installments were all parodies of the sort of infomercials you might find on local TV at 4 AM in the morning. They’ve kind of strayed from that a bit recently (likely starting with the success of Too Many Cooks), but the basic premise is broadly the same: they’re supposed to look largely innocuous at

In a good month, I see around a half dozen first-run movies at the theater. I may see another half dozen second-run or repetoire films in the same time period, depending on what happens to be playing at nearby theaters. I’ve been doing this for the better part of two decades, and yet, I can count on one hand the