
They have connected wirelessly for a while now. 

The gun pod is mounted in a spot that would not affect VTOL on this plane. The fan assembly you speak of is actually right behind the cockpit. In this view right in front of the gun pod itself.

I agree this lamp does not possess enough movement points to give it the semi anamorphic qualities that Luxo Jr. has. I personally just don't even like the look of the lamp.

yes because joe schmoe knows how to do that. something tells me it won't be that easy.

not to mention like every phone ever has had the liquid sensors in them.

Matt the problem is not reviews having option, they should. It is when you guys report actual news articles laced with opinion. To credibly report news you have to present all the facts and leave it up to the reader. That is the problem with instant news now. No room for vetting of stories. Like PaddyDugan said people

Yeah I do play guitar. I play Paul Reed Smith. I would be frustrated for the search for a good gibson.

As a tool for creating music this is a poor device. Let's face it for music more bells and whistles does not equate to better stuff. Also it is a gibson they have been really crappy lately in terms of guitars. I also see they still have that crappy finish that is supposed to be what the floor of the factory looked

it is opt in like any location data on the iPhone. Leave it to Gizmodo to leave that out.

it knows when you are on the store wifi and then pops up. You have to choose to allow it to use your location data. When you leave the store network that is it. It does not know where you are in the store just that you have entered its area. You get a push notification when someone has your stuff to hand it to you.

That can happen. If you look at your usage statistics might be that they are matching which indicates an issue with the previous software that was already on the phone. Might require an erase all content and settings and set up as new.

this is a problem only affecting iPhone 4S devices.

give them something for going through the hell that is Atlanta Airport.

or you turn it off? It is not like you have to have this. Also if you sync it to your computer then they are saved.

I think most audiophiles have too much money. Looks pretty. Throw some El-84's in the piece.

So audiophiles don't know how to bias a tube? Also hard to diagnose? I am sure an amp tech could figure it out.

Ok i will give you that he showed lots of gumption making that thing. I would probably get in an accident if I had that rig because I would not be paying attention to anything but the monitor.

How is Freddiew's rig better, this thing is awesome!!!

you obviously dont live in baltimore, there is no way to change that turn as that is the part of the road that splits off to head down pratt st. or to go across pratt.