Sean Callaghan

I concur; to me, the sad part is how thoughtful and reasonable the comments are, utterly wasted on a joke…if it had been some utter dipshit posting, well THAT I get…

"Beady Eye music, mate!"

What an entertaining interview (directed to that "teenager" role especially amusing). Anyway, Honey West provides some interesting 1965 b&w TV……

A fake British accent doesn't automatically qualify you for the Order of the Asshole, but it certainly doesn't hurt your chances…("But, ducks, I used to LIVE THERE, love!" - Madonna)

"Teat to Table"…not bad. Milk bar?

I agree entirely…a total surprise, particularly the first shocking time viewing it. Everybody was very sincere! (They kind of did that with No Way Out, too, with the "double twist" of the Costner one…I liked the guts it took!)

For me, what made POTC so entertaining was the accompanying Royal Navy stuff, quite well done, providing contrast with the rowdy pirates. Just starting this series, so I'm hoping for lots of well-researched Patrick O'Brian-isms…

You may have not have noticed the nerd pirate with beanie and round glasses holding a primitive Texas Instruments calculator. He's only seen in the Director's Cut, apparently…

They probably should have tried the "Mocked Pastor's Biblical Money Code." Worked for me! I'm rich!