Sean Piece

I like a comic book movie as much as the next 30-something white guy, but I am having trouble expressing how little I care to see Martin Scorsese direct an origin movie about the Joker. Do they really think the problems with the preceding DC movies is their lack of cinematic pedigree?

Four Krustys!

I used to work at a Chuck E Cheese back in high school, and I disagree strongly: the pizza is actually pretty good*.

* when warm. After refrigeration, it tastes precisely like cardboard covered in a thin layer of sauce and cheese.

The disciples said to him, “Where are we to get enough bread in the desert to feed so great a crowd?” 34Jesus asked them, “How many loaves have you?” They said, “Seven, and a few small fish.” 35Then ordering the crowd to sit down on the ground, 36he took the seven loaves and the fish; and after giving thanks he ate

Careful you don’t cut yourself out there on that cutting edge, GOP.

Ah, the Captain America Strategy. Sadly for K'un Lun, they forgot Steve Rogers had a ton of mental and emotional virtues that made up for it …

Yeah, they are ever so slightly inverted - the show's Luke Cage is WAY more stoic than the one in the comics, and Danny is far less centered.

She was always intended to be an Iron Fist reference of some kind, but I think the writers just said "fuck it" and decided to mash together The Hand with the K'un Lun mythology.

Alexandra has changed her name several times over the centuries, so I'm assuming Bakuto spent some time in Japan (where he also learned kenjutsu) and changed his name.

"What do you mean I am co-opting Asian culture? How can that be true if I have an Asian girlfriend?"

Whatever flaws the show might have, I'm willing to forgive just about ALL of them for when Luke busts down the down and Run the Jewels starts blasting.

It's a good thing that Gendry, who has only left King's Landing once before and has never seen snow, didn't get lost on his way back to the Wall with all of that wandering and meandering.

“If the show was struggling, I’d be worried about those concerns, but the show seems to be doing pretty well so it’s OK to have people with those concerns.”

Is "big-ass icicle spear" really specifically an anti-dragon weapon? All of the White Walkers seem to carry something similar …

Mary Todd Lincoln was heavily criticized by several members of Congress because she had the temerity to try and buy nice stuff for the White House, so that the home of the President of the United States would lend some appropriate dignity corresponding to the office.

Me? Shit, what'd I do?

It's painfully frustrating that Jesus delivered every single one of his sermons via parable, and yet many of his followers insist on taking everything else in the bible 1000% literally.

Extra-virgin olive oil? Jeez, I know this stuff comes from Italy, but I think the Catholics are starting to take things a little too far!

1. Make awkward statement.
2. Realize your statement can be easily refuted by common sense and/or simple science.
3. Respond to those corrections with, "I know that, duh. I was just kidding."

Of course not. It's a planet filled with damn dirty apes!