Sean Piece

Con: it's not likely to be legalized in the United States anytime soon.

I've always said the battle in "Man of Steel" is a halfway decent "Miracleman" finale. Just needs a bunch of gruesome dismemberment to go with the destruction porn.

As opposed to the rest of us, who treat tall, handsome muscular men like the lepers they are.

$14,700? That's almost enough to spend an entire afternoon at BLIPS AND CHIIIIIIIIIITZ!

High five! I un-ironically enjoy a good amount of radio-friendly music that I also know is utterly basic and supposedly terrible according to lots of people. Coldplay is definitely among them.

Like nearly everything we millennials say or do, I think it's meant to be ironic.

The resulting combination would be so basic that it would melt the skin off of the entire audience.

As long as you don't smugly ask "Who?" every time they're brought up, then yes, it's very okay.

Upvoted for "mondo dweebs."

What a ham. Let us discuss it further.

Plus there was a ninja on the other side of that paper wall. Gibson probably saved someone's life that day.

Yup, I kinda thought there was something I was missing with this guy's name, but it never clicked.

Like Tuck BuckFART, amirite?

Hayley Atwell was in Guardians of the Galaxy?

Are we talking in the main universe comics? Because Flatline in the Ultimate universe was totally different …

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh now I get it! Geez, I never put that together.

*studio audience claps, cheers*

We know he's a little feller since he's only half a thor.

I'm not sure if a comic book movie not being comic book-y is necessarily an assurance of quality.

"BRANCH OUT WITH ehh you get the idea."