Sean Brody

The Saints secondary has been doing this for years.

I’ve gotta have it.

Thank you for reading! :D

Mission accomplished.

Soccer? I’d barely rank her!

Now playing

Not an 80's song like I have been posting, but close and one of my favorites.

This logo represents more than the team - it represents the city of Cleveland

C’mon man, that’s not fair. Sox fans can’t write.

I’m an Australian, I don’t get the whip joke.

I think the far more depressing reality is that it is not a true reflex, which is why it rings so hollow so often. 

The demise of labor unions in America correlates pretty much with the rise in inequality.

I would argue it’s less Feminist and more “snarky political sales platform”.

Are those dress Blundstones? Is there such a thing?

Didn’t you know there’s no such thing as in-between anymore? If you don’t pitchfork with them, you’re automatically against them.

the interesting thing about how emphatic that ruling is is its potential to open up all sorts of challenges to other uber-style practises and potentially even the nil hour contract which has long been a piss take out of workers and used to circumnavigate rights

I was there. I fell down those steps. Looks so easy when you’re sober.

Lucky they got him before me I thought the Delaware river constituted international waters

As an adult I’m just cringing at all those ruined nice suits.


I’ll never understand Australian horse racing.