Sean Brody

Speaking from experience, the single person horse costume is always the best bet.

I just want to post this gif and move on, but for the life of me I can’t imagine what could have possessed the black kid not only to subject himself to this, but to smile in the picture as if everything is cool

Best thing I’ve bought off of Kinja Deals. I feel personally slighted whenever I have to shower in a place without one of these installed.

Best thing I’ve bought off of Kinja Deals. I feel personally slighted whenever I have to shower in a place without

“The price is WRONG, Jeb!”

“This is our beautiful and glorious new land. We shall call it... Nevada.”

Most of these cities lump the stadium into the Parks and Rec departments. So dumping 100 bags of grass seed to the stadium instead of say a youth soccer field goes unnoticed. just a larger part of the scam.

We are. I’m fine. I made pizza.

Yup. Their brains aren’t fully developed til 25 according to recent research. Sigh...still they can do better than this. They have adults at school to help avoid debacles like this. Epic fail.


Oh man, those takes were so hot they might as well be walkin’ on the sun! RIGHT?!
It’s like after this argument I hope they all lived...Shrek ever after!
Something something, PROBABLY SUGAR RAY! I got a million of ‘em!

And the preschoolers that led them to the game........................uh i mean “parents”

This isn’t NYC. That’s Stanley or Marty

Haha Cubs aren’t winning this series

I think they did read their history books since it says “part 2"

I found them at New Seasons, which is a PNW grocery chain. I’m sure they’re online though...

This is extremely off topic, but every souse vide article I wonder where you found those adorable little animal clips. I want that hedgehog.

I don’t think there is such a thing as a “part time comedian” bad comedian perhaps. Funny sometimes like every commenter on this site...

THEY ARE NOT REOPENING THE INVESTIGATION! Stop with these misleading headlines and read Comey’s actual letter, a portion of which you posted here.