The real sign that Rolex pricing is coming down in any significant way, will be the ability to walk into a Rolex store and buy a Rolex
That has not been possible for a long time
The real sign that Rolex pricing is coming down in any significant way, will be the ability to walk into a Rolex store and buy a Rolex
That has not been possible for a long time
Really, man
I have my batch cooking game pretty much down
But I am strongly considering switching to vegan in October and this could be my secret weapon
Much easier to make the switch if the food is already prepared
Thanks, Beth
Not disagreeing with you necessarily
But Wordle don’t use plurals afaik
That is gonna limit a lot of S words
They don’t use past tenses either, I think?
Great topic and good piece - thank you
Sleep is the foundation of good health for me
What works for me
Like Beth says, get a schedule and stick to it. Mine is 8:30pm to 5:30am
No phone or TV in the bedroom - leave the phone charging in the kitchen, you don’t need it in bed
Ear plugs, because I live in a city
Eye mask,…
I so badly want to do these
Doing the Lord’s work here
No shit, right?
Can’t I watch the Super Bowl the same way I watch Jeopardy?
Longtime Express VPN user here
I love the service - it’s the only reliable VPN for accessing BBC and other UK geo-locked services, in my experience
But you really have my head shaking with that disrupted speed question
Since December, at times the internet connection has, at times, been spotty as fuck. Like streaming…
Thanks, man
Yeah, if someone wanted to cook me keto meals and do all the weighing and everything, I might have stuck with it.
But it is too limiting when your focus is elsewhere.
Along the way, I found that I can run fast (for my age).
I literally couldn’t run 200 yards this time last year - nor did I want to - in 8 weeks…
You are not doing anything wrong. At all.
I’m gonna share my experience in case any of it might help you.
You chop at the PMI four ways - two you are doing anyways
Use the $400k example at 3% down and allow a 3% increase in home prices
1 - your asset is appreciating and in three years it will be worth $437k
2 - you are paying your mortgage. figure 20 year loan, 2.5%
You are at 80% LTV somewhere in between the end of Year 2…
Absolute gem of a performance
I know everyone hates him now, but Joss Whedon’s Much Ado was really very good
And I liked Ethan Hawke’s Hamlet, even if not everyone did.
Whether you think having the To Be Or Not To Be soliloquy in the ‘Action’ (geddit??) section of a Blcokbuster is either clever or too much, will tell you whether you will like this…
How did this work out for you?
Oh, I hadn’t even considered that
Mine works pretty ok
But I use crappy coffee (Chock-Full-O-Nuts) so maybe they have already bleached all the oils out of there
Yeah, I saw that too.
He means ‘swirl’
Anyone else using the non-disposable filters?
Also, they all seem to be missing a trick by not swirling as they pour the water.