Sean Alan


Or a kickass soldier that shots Tom Cruise in the face!

The resolution will be you guessed it…. Sylvester Stallone.

It was just the gas leak year.

You gotta pay the troll toll!

Nicolas Cage?

And in one of them hes a lawyer who practices out of a bowling ally.

I guessed Frank Stallone.

Isn't that the porn version of Snakes On A Plane?

Don't you mean "this show sucks. plane and simple"

Any relation to "Regular sized Rudy"?

I'm too lazy to write a joke so…

I would go with George Newman from UHF. Mostly because i would be working for "Weird" Al, and if you were good at your job (or just friends with him.) you could get your own show.

"You ain't bad, you ain't nothin'!"

Its The Trash Man!
(That just reminded me of that episode of sunny, then it made me sad thinking about Roddy Pipper again.)

And Jesse Ventura was no……Jesse Pinkman?


Not too long ago i found a VHS with an old episode of RAW from the late 90's that had a PSA starring a young Mac, can't remember what the PSA was for.

Also if you want some comedy with your game show 8 Out of 10 cats does Countdown is great.

Paper…Snow…A ghost!