Sean Alan

What happened with the last two episodes of Psych there weren't reviewed?

My favorite part of that gag was seeing the kids lock arms while can-caning.

Also a full version of Jingle in the jungle!

Can someone tell me what Cain told Dean about Abaddon? It was something that apparently Crawly knew but didn't share with dean. My TV station decided to cut to a commercial mid conversation for a few seconds and i didn't get it all.

Loved this episode especially the photo of ted with his best friend the balloon! The throwaway gag with barney as Richard Dawson was from previous episode can't remember which one though.

also Ryan Reynolds, and Nathan Fillion!

No digs a hero hes getting a medal w/ Sgt. Peanut Butter!

After getting hit in the head with a coconut?

And then you put in the Dane Cook dvd and then you were the only one not laughing?

Lana. Lana! LANA!!!

"And everybody else, shut up, and watch "Terms of Enrampagement"."

Things i loved about the ep.
-The line Duncan had to Jonathan Banks when he called him pierce.
-The Dean's backwards Chang costume was brilliant!
-The Dean snapping his fingers at his secretary to trace the call.
-Everything Donald Glover.


I'm not watching because my satellite is frozen and can't get shit!

"There's only one thing I hate more than lying… Skim milk. which is water that's lying about being milk."

"I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother, Dorothy Kennex, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again."

They did after it got retooled for cable in the darkest timeline!