
Indians are under-represented in American movies? How many Indians should be in an average American movie? Indians make up about 1% of the population. Should Bollywood movies have europeans? Africans? East Asians? They are all under-represented in Bollywood movies. What racist bastards those people are.

most american's don't think all brown people are terrorists, That is just an idiotic statement.
Hollywood movies have never done well in India, so they aren't going to take a risk on an international unknown. Pacific Rim made $1.7 Million in India, WOW! Why the heck aren't more studios catering their big budget

What I find terrible problematic is all the asian people in Bollywood films. Where are the Europeans? Where are the Africans?

You don't give an unknown a chance on a $100 Million budget. Hence they looked for a name actor in Ejiofor.

They cast an indian actor, Irrfan Khan, but he dropped out last minute, so they had to cast for a known actor not ethnicity.
Stop whining.

Good Job! Way to stick to the big bad (small town, probably takes in less than a Million a year in revenue) restaurant owner and stick up for those poor downtrodden multimilionaires.