
Wow! You sure read that 75 page lawsuit fast! Weird how you missed the multiple parts where they’ve specifically sued CMP for fraud and, as key parts of their lawsuit that they will be required to prove, accuse CMP of, in technical terms, “making shit up.”

You clearly don’t understand how law suits work so kindly shut the fuck up.

I know. I keep thinking I might vote 3rd party of Clinton gets the nomination, and then I remember that one of these ass clowns could wind up President and change my tune.

If you haven’t read the NAF’s lawsuit, you should. It details all the horrible lying (which, by the way, is a direct violation of the 10 Commandments so not exactly Christian) that the CMP did to get their footage, you should. NAF is even suing them for racketeering violations under RICO because they used multiple

Unfortunately I don't think it'll matter in the court of public opinion. At least not to republicans/evangelicals/fundies/morons etc. . We all saw the debate, the people going after PP don't care about the truth, they never did. These people think rights only belong to white Christians & everyone else is dead to