
Damn. +1


LMAO. Seriously.

This is such BS. The "Sterling family" isn't suing anyone and they damn well know it. Sterling's almost-ex-wife is suing his girlfriend over money he gave her. But now all of a sudden the woman he's been dating is trying to slander him over his ex-wife's suit? Come on, now.

Anybody know how/why this phone call was recorded? Not that it really matters considering what was said, but I kinda want the backstory, including what he originally said to her that started this argument.

Well played, sir. Well played. first reported this story. And unless they reported something falsely, knew it was false and still intentionally reported the falsehood, she'd just be suing to pay for everybody's legal fees.

I would typically agree. But there's clearly a reason why the BAA banned bandits this year while adding a ton of more runners, which I hope would take care of all of the bandits who simply weren't able to register in years past. Allow the people that want to run to run, but they need to register now.

I'll let you know next time TSA pats me down.

They've always had limits, yes. And they're more important this year than they've probably ever been. A large event will always have security risks that can't be easily taken care of. So organizers do what they can to limit the risks. Like forcing runners to register. It's a great thing that hindsight is 20/20 so we

That's exactly what I said. They would have an atomic bomb. And that it was necessary for them to carry an atomic bomb 26 miles. I see how you got that out of my comment that bandits are going to be considered more of a security risk than in years past. Honestly, your cursing makes you seem a lot more upset about this

What story was irresponsible/fabricated? This was first reported by, not Deadspin. Regardless, bandits are going to be highly suspect at any marathon after last year. It's certainly not the same situation as it might have been in the past.

Why have limits? Because there was a bomb last year.

Yeah, I understand why this isn't a big deal to people. You know, besides nobody knowing who these random people are who fraudulently snuck into an event that was bombed a year ago.

LeBron got hit in the neck by an elbow. Laimbeer got hit with an arm and thrown on his back. I think LeBron definitely sold that, but these aren't even close to the same foul.

No offense to Hank, but I think you're expecting a lot from the semantics of a baseball player. I certainly didn't read the quote how you did. I read it as an explanation of de facto racism in our country, whether Republicans are included or not. I would argue that his qualification that we still have work to do in

"I don't know if you listen to this rap stuff and hip hop stuff."

He didn't say "any Republican" who disagrees with Obama is a Klan member anymore than he said all white people were Klan members when he played. In fact, the quote about "hoods" wasn't even directed at Republicans; it was directed at de facto racism still perpetuated by those wearing suits instead of hoods. You

Ohhhhhh so the hustlers/drugs/rape questions were brought up in the pre-interview. I went to UF. I wouldn't need Billy D to go on national TV and hope a host asks him about how he keeps rap music away from our players. If it's something O'Reilly's viewers might want to know, that just makes it worst.