
You leave Claire out of this.

I call "FAIL" on the colors. What colors are the primaries depends on your medium and how the colors combine.

Iron Man would like a word with you about that secret identity thing.

Don't forget white.

I was just telling my fiancé that we should use the rest of our wedding fund for this. The chance to meet LeVar and wear THE VISOR from TNG is a way better experience than a dumb wedding.

Attack on Boys Love? Weak.

Well as long as it makes it people happy... for about 17 minutes until you quickly run to the bathroom, Only for your girlfriend to come in and you realise that you left your FullMetal Alchemist porn on the bed. You desperately try to beat her to the bedroom but she beats you and finds the porn. She stares at you as

Oh, they announced it in February. This is us reminding you to get in all your last-minute Wii/DS downloads today!

Does this mean that the Ouya team actually had a—gasp—GOOD IDEA?!?!

So, what happened to me, two years ago, is, I want to this fancy restaurant in my hometown, La Paz, Mexico, Baja California Sur... And something was special about the place, it was very subtle, and I took a while to click, but then I realized the pianist was playing the Fairy Fountain song from Zelda a Link to the

I'm a big fan of QUILTBAG for purely pronunciation-related reasons... It's nice to have a term that doesn't feel like a litany of obscure letters. I also like "queer" as a catch-all, but understand that not all people who fall under some form of gender or sexual minority self-identify as "queer."

The size of his bulge needs to be way bigger to match Power Girls boobs.

I've seen POC bloggers (many of whom get arbitrarily labeled "social justice bloggers" simply because they talk about the racism they experience on their personal blogs) get all kinds of harassment. People will make it a point to single these bloggers out. create entirely new blogs designed to send them racist