
If you’re saying you think he was HIV positive, can you maybe make your subtext into plain old text?

Fuck off.

Fish In a Barrel! This fall on UHF. BE THERE!!!!

Well no, it probably isn’t worth your time, but you’re not the target audience. If you have the choice to going back and playing Smash Bros, you have a Nintendo console and either have friends with whom to play it or don’t care about playing with friends. If, however, you didn’t have any of those, maybe this would be

Because they were contacted by a reporter who was doing a story on her not being black.

I love when the topic of slavery is broached, pedants get on their smartypants and totally rock it! (No snark). do realize I’m speaking to the notion of “blackness” as an American construct, right? So, during my rhetoric, I qualified it with “early 1800s Alabama” yada, yada...blood quantum codes like

No, don’t do that. Sometimes people act bizarrely, and sometimes people do things we don’t understand, and sometimes people do terrible, terrible things. That does not mean that they are mentally ill. It is possible that they carry some diagnosable disorder, but to say that she must be (to even go so far as to suggest

Reposting, because fuck this noise:

The crew of the Enterprise travel back in time to assassinate a North Korean leader......

You can't trick me. I'm saving those ideas for my books! :)

Well, it's $2.99. It's not like it's $299.

Especially all the tiresome comparisons to Battle Royale.

The one race, one culture trope annoys the hell out of me. Taking for example Star Trek, nearly every race but humans have barely any diversity which makes sense for some like the Borg, is kinda boring.

There's a great (yet admittedly hard-to-read at times) novel from Kim Stanley Robinson (the guy who wrote that fantastic Mars trilogy) called The Years of Rice and Salt. It's a really good alt-history "what if" novel. It pretty much proposes the same idea.

This post made my morning. You got racism, the word "sheeple", and a bible quote, all in one comment. All you're missing is a reference to Hitler.

First thing first, I live in that city. Sending this post from Jogjakarta.

probably because of cheaper labors. Most of the games produced by the studio is available globally

Staff at the Indonesian branch of mobile gaming giant Gameloft got a bit of a surprise on Monday, when police raided the office believing it to be an "an online gambling den".