
You’re the only person I’ve seen on io9 who has made a comment that’s both fair to Gunn and Disney, without letting them off the hook for their mistakes (but keeping those mistakes in proper context).

There’s just so much here. Part of the reason this situation feels so odd and unprecedented is because, as the letter alludes to, this is an extremely nuanced situation that is being handled in the court of public opinion- a court that is famously bad at handling nuance.

> Gunn, who directed the first two Guardians of the Galaxy films, was let go by Disney when offensive tweets of his surfaced from several years ago.

Dear “Freedom from Facebook”,

Laughs bitterly at the Americans complaining again about paying half nothing for their fuel.

I came expecting to see a pic with a room full of white guys, looked at that pic and got excited that there were so many women and persons of color. Then I made the mistake of reading what the criticism was actually about and promptly remembered why I hate humans of the internetz.

It is?

Sufficient VW Pickup for the majority of buyers:

Welcome to KFC, may I take your HORDOR?

1) Joey Barton has always been, and always will be a douche.

2) Placing a prop bet on himself for getting the first yellow in the match is easy money. He’s a fool for betting on his own matches but not making the obvious bet.

In re: the Executor. I swear to god they messed up and meant to have Executioner or something. Or maybe Vader just wanted to have his ship stand out from the rabble? Something weird happened. In other news, I am sharing this bit from Starfighters of Adumar, one of the best ever Star Wars books, which goes into

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Maybe there’s a scene where Wolverine and Cable go to a Japanese restaurant.

Kid. You got lucky. Do yourself a favour and don’t waste your money on a depreciating asset like a new car. You want old my friend. You want old, cheap to fix, and head-turning. You want something that will appreciate. You want...

Just buy a damn Golf R man.

2013 or 2014 Jaguar XF, CPO or CarMax with warranty. Those are just around $30K with the supercharged V6, AWD, relatively low miles, plenty of performance, and classy as hell.

Lol Ballaban

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Because Jupiter Ascending broke our damn hearts by sucking the way it did. I don’t give Transformers movies my money, but they seemingly give their core audience what it wants. Bay is good for that. Besson is good for that. The Wachowskis...not so much. And this is from someone who is unashamed to love Speed Racer and

You win. No other comments need be made.

Shut up and take my multipass!