Seamus Scanlon

My answer would be no, I would not kill that child. I am not a Christian but I was raised Catholic so that probably informs my answer to some extent.

Those two episodes were so funny, especially when I found out alot of the crazier sounding stuff Daly said was things that Hubbard said/did.

Seconding the oversight of the fact Sex and the City was a big ratings success for them as well along side the Sopranos.

I read the other day Ring of Honour are looking to sign her as well next year as part of them building up their currently nascent womens division.

Watching the episode got me thinking Rebecca could be romantically into Valenica, solely based on the look on her face when saying 'That's so hot' about her reading Roxanne Gay.

It being described as a "lost" episode made me wonder if something was up, then the first caller saying he was on to talk bout 2006 even more so and Darren saying he was looking forward to celebrity apprentice confirmed it.

Turn out that Dublin Libraries have all four volume and I am half way through the first volume. A friend of mine after hearing me talk about it so excitedly correctly guessed that the series would one of my favourite books of the year/ all time. The amount of detail is incredibly. Just finished the on the him and his

World Whimsy is Apples to Apples or CAH but instead of playing one card to you can play between 1 and 7 cards which are a mixture of adjectives and nouns. It is far more replayable than CAH and leads to some very oddball winners like 'Captain Weasel European Lady' winning the round for 'Name of my memoir'. You also

I re-watched the New Caprica arc just out of curiosity of how it holds up. Don't have any strong memories of it. Then skipped to the boxing episode which I still liked.

The ending of this Cain arc and how the upcoming episode about the virus that could destroy the Cyclons turned me off re-watching the rest of the show. The way they put the Adama and Rosilin in the position to make a morally grew decision that would have big consequences only the have someone else resolve twice in

Darryl says "puff and she is gone" with a fish behind him right after Rebecca's song. That is some next level directing/ scene setting.

I'm wrong. 3rd man is English guys, I mixed it up with the Ruthless Aggression podcast which was either 2 Americans or an American and an Aussie.

Tore through that NWP in 2 weeks of non-stop episodes. Really like the level of detail and their look occasional at WCW and the tv shows. The best of the 7 podcasts covering PPV of a specific era and company I have listened to.

The author (Bernard Cornwall) of the books tends to write the same kind of character in different settings. Military man who is an outsider to the particular group (based on class,religion or nationality) becomes a minor leader who somehow participates in major events of that particular time period while hooking up

He paid them more cause his factories had very high turnover which was costing him more money than just upping his workers pay. It had nothing to do with increasing cars sales.

Rewatching the Lito-Wolgang scenes before Lito lies for Wolfgang he spits out blood and Wolfgang does the same before he fights which is a really cool way to link the two scenes.

The 9/11 allegorical connection does make sense from the view point of the reaction to the event as opposed to the loss of life.

Rewatching the show it starts to go to the dogs about 2/3 of the way through season 2 bar some good episodes/arcs along the way.

It was originally a 3 part mini-series that got condensed into a single movie for it's US release.