
why all the hate on a car made for.. driving and not just going from a to b and being sure to have c amount of room? have you ever driven one ever? if you do, you realize that almost everyone else loves the look and will constantly ask you what it is or give you thumbs up...

wow.. did i just read this line from a car blog??

"We now live in an age where an automatic doesn't automatically (sorry) ruin a good car anymore. "

amen!! got a new bed last year.. one of the best purchases in my life.. :)

really? that's a pretty huge generalization.. sure i am not the most handy guy around cars besides the basic (computers, i'm a kung fu master at...) but i bought my last two cars new for the cool new technology in the cars, knowing all miles/maintenance was driven by me, proper breakin was done and of course ordering

Rule #1 for me.. don't buy Seagate harddrives.. esp after the clusterfuck that was a bad firmware on their previous 3TB drives where users lost whole drives at a time. There's one of them in this comment thread.

amen my fellow Miniac! plus, exhaust tone changes in Sport mode on newer MINIs. you get some good ole burple and pop. throttle response in my 2013 w/Sport on is crazy good; turn off DSC and TSC and let the fun begin :)

Make as much fun as me as you want but I LOVE my 2013 MINI Cooper S Coupe, Bonnie. So much damn fun to drive and damn does she have personality.. :) I never lose her in a parking lot and you get a ton of smiles, waves and inquiries about what it is..

and the JCW Fixed spoiler should have been a standard option.. it

also.. if you are really civil and nice, you can sometimes get some hookups you never thought you would. :) remember the old saying.. 'you catch more flies with honey than vinegar'....

To get around any hotel tv system; just unplug the phone cable in the back :) i know this from my many stays in a hotels each year. :)

I really like the 2016 Fiat 500X. I think it's a great crossover design, and I think it has a real shot at winning over mainstream Americans' hearts in a way no other Fiat could. But I had to laugh at some of its press photos, which make it look absolutely rugged as fuck.

amen.. i love my 6speed auto.. my paddle shifts are faster than a human shifting imo.. ;) btw.. i do know how to drive manual too (grew up on farm driving stick at 11).

i use velcro.. one of my best geek purchases? 2 feet of velcro/soft side.

i'll post up a video for ya tomorrow when mine comes. i plan to use my Playstation TV in my bedroom as remote play for PS4 and will only be using WiFi too.. :) i also have a Vita and love it so a Playstation TV was a no brainer (had the extra 32GB memory card and over 50+ vita/psp/psone/mini games).

Mine is in transit as i type! :) i really hope Sony pulls a rabbit out it's hat and says.. btw, here's the new DLNA player for the Vita and PS4!! i can dream and hope.. :)

also look at Credit Unions for your loans! i used Affinity CU and got a 2.5% rate on my 2013 MINI Cooper which i had custom built. BMW would only give me 6.5% and i have pretty stellar credit.. :) also, if you do get a new car and finance; get the car YOU WANT and not the one that 'saves me a few bucks'. :)

agreed! my current boss RULES!!! he knows his group of geeks are all very unique, fun and responsible and in turn manages us in a macro fashion. he gives us a project and let's us run with it. if we have issues, we let him know and update the project. :)

i feel like the my Coupe and the Roadster will be dropped but i'm totally ok with that. makes my car even more rare :) ...and btw, the coupe just needs a JCW Fixed Spoiler to complete it's design

always wondered how they did up so many examples..

but yea.. living next to an IKEA and buying a new condo within blocks of said IKEA = my man cave being an IKEA showcase in the flesh.. (almost every item minus Chaise and modern chairs from IKEA)


i see nothing.. vids down/removed.. just like any good one.. so can you just kill this article? otherwise your just click baiting users (bad jalopnik!)