
amen my brother.. amen.. pours out some bourbon on floor..
'never forget the 3DO...' hehe.. ;)

i admit that i enjoy the jabs each make at each other.. we all do deep down inside.. hey, were commenting on a gaming website comments section..

awesome.. that is all i can say.. and does she have sister?


exactly! Flower, Sound Shapes both i had for PS3 and got the Vita and PS4 copies free as a cross buy. :) def am loving the cross buys !

umm.. how about all of us who own a Vita?? or the upcoming Vita TV?

i was in a similar situation about 10 years ago. we were going down a straight stretch of highway that looked perfectly fine but then everyone on the road hit a 50 foot spot that was pure black ice.

the two semi's in front of my car started jackknifing; an SUV does a 180 into one of the semi's, my car does a 180 and

agreed... the people that don't want to build or overpay for a smaller box would prob just end up getting console since a pc gamer would realize these prices are silly stupid expensive for what your getting. again, how is this not comparable to a console? no, i'm being serious in my question.

ok, i think i may be losing sight of the idea behind a Steam box.. console killer? at this price, hell no.

hehe.. at first i was like.. what?? then i got it.. hehe ;)

My winter/survival kit:

This baby stays in my car at all times and consists of the following items:

Decent quality. Like any of the 3M skins i've gotten from Skin It. Cut perfectly. Seems like the added texture makes it seem easier to navigate touchpad. plus at $10 a pop, you can't go wrong if you don't like them since they can be removed pretty easily. :)

+Alex hell yea on 3M comment!! I love that company.. Post Its and Velcro; the two best things ever! hehe.. :)

todays commute.. :)

Using my strip of velcro to hold charging cables and remotes in place on side of desk, under kitchen island and in bedroom.. i love velcro!!!

—-^ winner, if it was a contest. very cool!!

just click the compatibility view button and you should be fine..

Now playing

my current setup..

used an ikea shelf unit as my entertainment stand

i try to keep a very clean, minimalistic setup.
Consoles: Wii U, PS3, PS4 (not pictured and hidden away: atari 2600, Gameboy, Gameboy SP)

LG 55" HDTV passive 3D
Sony 7.1 receiver
Philips Hue bulbs in area for pure wifi controlled lighting

i like having my whole collection instantly available and have been migrating to a digital library since i joined PSN Plus when it was launched. However I had previously filled my PS3's hdd w/my m4v movies since i liked having local movies vs on my NAS. Local never fails unless the drive does.. :)

also, upgrading a

is there a media player app to play DLNA media shares? that is the biggest feature i need since this would replace my appletv in the bedroom :)

i dropped in a 1TB 7200 RPM HGST drive (which is the same brand that Sony uses in the PS4). I mainly wanted space and really wish the drive could take a 12.5mm height drive. :)