Seal noise

I do like how the series has slowly made it very clear that Station Eleven (the book) is not some masterpiece. It is just a remnant made important by it’s survival, which I suppose maps thematically onto the series as a whole. I don’t think the book capitalized on that aspect of the comic book all that much, but it’s

It was premeditated, he discussed at the end of the documentary that he had made up his mind to kill her and the kids before- “this is the last time I’m tucking my kids in to bed” and he had admitted he ruminated about killing her before. He killed her bc he did want to be with his mistress. After killing his family,

I totally agree. I watched the body cam footage available on YouTube and the moment when the neighbor produces the footage from his 472 cameras posted around his house was mesmerizing. My neighbors have a similar system and I’m almost afraid to sit in my own back yard for fear they’ll film me eating an entire Tear and

My theory is that this guy was such a total wuss, so terrified of making his wife mad or upset or having a real emotional conversation, that he actually saw killing her as a preferable alternative to talking to her. He also didn’t want to deal with the guilt of breaking her heart, since it seemed he knew she’d fallen

There seems to be something here about not having the intelligence to realise how little you know. A moderately intelligent person realises how hard something is and how they may not be able to get away with murder.

That female investigator/interrogator was amazing. She did such a good job at playing the semi-compassionate, empathetic role, but cajoling him into giving up the details.

I knew my ex was cheating when he started trimming his pubes.

Shanann and Chris’ relationship confused me. Was he just the type to promise and gaslight in texts but just couldn’t muster up the genuine affection in person? Was he just staving off her disappointment & heartbreak by replying to texts so “sweetly”? Were the film makers alluding to Shanann’s obsession with

I was actually really impressed that the Police pointed out what most women already know... If your man is suddenly getting really into fitness... he might be a cheater. (#notallfitmen)

Whoa there. This is about division of property/earnings during the marriage, in which 2 people contribute to the family unit. Not about sex. You’re pretty close to sounding like a men’s rights lawyer.

You’re completely right. In the book she is basically just a responsible woman (with an incredibly womanly body), which means that she’s the antithesis of our fun-loving protagonist who refuses to be feminized by the machine of societal pressure—conquering him in the same way as the Native Americans—because McMurphy

Oh, well, if it’s in the HANDBOOK, then never mind.

I mean, think about the people who would be self-absorbed enough to believe their wedding was so important it had to be announced in the Times, and I think you’ll see why that’s your feeling lol. I can’t imagine thinking people cared about my wedding this much. 

I wasn’t implying that social class = cheating. I was implying that the vows section really highlights a certain type of couple who has had a certain type of experience (generally, blandly successful or highly educated and quirky) and presents them in an aspirational fashion.

this guy didn’t wait until after his divorce to find someone. But also: when looking for a partner, it helps to be secure in singleness first <3

Well, in the event this guy is the type you’re looking for I’m guessing he might be back on the market soon.

Very nice of you to let “every once and a little while” be their shame line when “are we human...or are we dancer?” sure is a lyric that fucken exists.

Re: The Killers ‘All These Things That I Have Done’

Just catching up on the show now and loving it, but one thing irked me: Damon is *too* good at dance. Yes we need to suspend disbelief because it’s tv, but success and praise is coming his way a little too easily at the most prestigious dance school in the city (presumably one of the most prestigious in the country).

I’m assuming you mean Venus Xtravaganza? I think it would be in really bad taste if Murphy and company used something like that for shock value in a television show.