Hugh Jass

Typically, the 1st superhero movie is an origin story. Wonder Woman's back story is boring and not a lot of drama/angst. Paradise Island, invisible jet, magic lasso? That's why a lot of the marvel characters do so well translated to film, as they have flawed characters with compelling back stories (most, not all).

The editing has been this way for a while. You can pretty much figure out who they are voting out by the direction the show points you. They point to Jeremiah, it will not be Jeremiah.

Plus, we only see what's edited. There could have been some bigger altercation that we as viewers aren't privy to.

Colton quit twice. So of course Jeff would rake him over the coals the 2nd time. He's a producer of the show now. Casting/re-casting quitters hurts the show.

I wonder if Tony is a bad cop in real life. It seemed real easy for him to plant the hidden immunity idol clue on Jeremiah. I wonder if he's good at planting evidence in real life.

Theory about Ben not remembering the Losties. After he was shot, Kate took him to Richard and the Others. Richard said he would never be the same, his innocence lost. The temple healing most likely messed with his mind and memories.

Curious, what's your theory on who was shooting from the outrigger?

As a parent, I watched series Avatar: The Last Airbender on Nickelodeon with my young children, and really enjoyed it. It was a really good animated series. I found out they were making a live action version, most likely a 3 movie deal along the lines of the animated series. Then I heard Shyamalan was writing and

6th Sense=really good. Unbreakable=mostly good. Downhill from there.
Signs? Aliens land on a planet that is 3/4 covered in water. Said aliens are allergic to water. Aliens don't wear suits to protect themselves.
Lady in the Water: Blowhardy rubbish. Go back to film school.
The Happening: It's the trees! oh my.

I was never a Cure fan but back in the late 90's I worked in the music business and got to catch part of their show from the side of the stage. Needless to say, I was blown away at how good they were. I became a Cure fan that night.