“Nothing can be done,” says only country where this regularly happens.
“Nothing can be done,” says only country where this regularly happens.
I have been waiting forward for this update because while the on-foot combat is average at best, the naval ship to ship fighting experience is unparalleled. So often the seas are empty, and ship combat is a 4-man ship picking on a 1-man ship. But, when naval combat happens, the game takes on a new dimension, and a…
Other than self-aggrandizement....what was the point of your comment.
Fornite, No Man’s Sky, Rainbow Six.
No it’s called being subtle.
I’ll bet you see a kid playing in grownups’ clothing and start screaming about safety hazards, instead of enjoying it for the farce it is.
Only problem is that “ovations” in Yankee Stadium usually sound a lot different than in Milwaukee....
Only white players can do that.
From what I’ve learned about MLB players having really bad days in the past week, Sanchez should apologize for last night, saying those things happened a long time ago, and doesn’t reflect who he is as a player now.
Some of us also have animals at home that we’d like to still be alive when we return there.
Because an AC unit has to work harder (run longer) to bring the temp back down.
Are these the same people who are gleefully celebrating James Gunn being fired for what are inarguably dumb and offensive jokes? One of these MAGA idiots suggested to me on Twitter that Gunn is as bad or worse than Roy Moore and Jim Jordan.
Initial reports have PacMan avoiding the confrontation, grabbing something to eat, and then seeking out his attacker.
Bounced off Bregman’s head.
You're missing the photos of the extended Trump family.
At least you can celebrate AFC Championships.
-Lions Fan
because the blacks use it. thats seriously why. america sucks, relative to what it could be
Defense lawyer here. At a grand jury proceeding there is no rules of evidence and no defense attorney. It’s a closed door proceeding. Ever heard the phrase, “you can indict a ham sandwhich?” It basically means that a prosecutor can get an indictment behind closed doors on anyone for anything. So it has no…
Well, you found it in 30 seconds plus a day after the Detroit News found it and reported on it. Why are you patting yourself on the back about this? Why didn’t you find it in the years he worked for the Patriots? If this takes 30 seconds to find, why haven’t you already plugged the name of every NFL coach,…