
I think Morgan McMichaels said it best on The Pit Stop (one of the zillion companion series available on YouTube): Gia Gunn is showing the world that trans girls are equally fierce participants as cis boys. However, some of Gia’s shade feels mean-spirited and that’s not cute. All that to say, fight the villain edit

You might need to check on Larry and Gina...

WHERE IS KIM CHI? I thought Naomi said she wouldn’t do the season without her. I WANT BF ANTICS.

Former Torontonian here: The goss around Toronto was that The Weeknd only wanted white women at his shows and he would tell bouncers to keep black women out. Which is... gross. That is enough for me to cancel him - how bout u, Bella?

I was today years old when I found that out. It has also irrationally angered me for years - THANK YOU FOR SETTING ME FREE!

Sent! In the meantime, I will be obsessively reading every single post on your WordPress. <3

Oh my gosh, ONLY IF I CAN READ YOURS! I’m fan-girling already!

Wrote a chapter of my Master’s thesis on the use of “headless fatties” in media - THANK YOU FOR BRINGING IT UP! Charlotte Cooper FTW.

I don’t know if its the lighting... but I wish that Cooper had lovingly dabbed Lady Gaga’s nose with some blotting papers because THAT SHNOZ IS GREASY. And then she could have grabbed a handful and patted his nose down. That’s tru luv.

Well, if the next two books are any indication, your wish will be granted!

THIS. I need to see some boops STAT.

THIS. I stayed on past the first few episodes for the cast and it definitely paid off.

1. That Sprouse and his lady friend look more like twins than he and his actual twin.

Oh Bebe - I thought Aquaria had taken a sizeable chunk out of your ass?

Walking the talk, girl GOOD FOR YOU. May your cake always be moist, your naps always be restful, and your future be free of misogynist fuckery.

The 2018 equivalent of not liking the score of the game and taking your ball home.

Oof. JRM’s 1-year-old child was also on the plane as he verbally abused his partner.

Amber Tambyln is not her husband’s keeper. That being said, I don’t think she should keep her husband...

Scarlett. SCARLETT.