I HEAR YOU. I got drunk, got confused with the euro exchange rate, and ended up dropping nearly $60 on sushi delivery from the Dutch equivalent of Postmates. My bank account she’s a-crying!
I HEAR YOU. I got drunk, got confused with the euro exchange rate, and ended up dropping nearly $60 on sushi delivery from the Dutch equivalent of Postmates. My bank account she’s a-crying!
Hot take: most of VB’s rings are gauuuddddyyy. Don’t @ me*.
I LOVE JVN; however, I imagine it would be difficult to sit in close proximity to him without getting an earache. Bobby seems to wince whenever he’s sat next to JVN’s boisterous gorgeosity.
Welcome to the team, Jane! Oh wait - you’re not dating women either? Bummer.
Especially because the hashtags on that Insta seem seriously platonic. Not that you can judge a relationship by hashtags. #ahashtagisworthathousandwords
Oof. That Robin Williams piece is devastating. Make sure to cue up some kitten videos for afterwards.
Size 11 twin, Ashley! I recently moved from North America to the Netherlands and SIZE 11 IS THE SAMPLE SIZE HERE. Bring your pontoon feet over, girl.
PYNK is my queer lady anthem of the summer. I am responsible for at least 1.5 million of the 6.1 million views on YouTube.
Totally agreed - the amount of energy she brings to a show is phenomenal. She dances her heart out and still manages to hit every note! I was winded just watching her. Best show I’ve ever seen!
Saturday! Happy early birthday! EAT ALL THE CAKE!
Jezzies, my loves, could somebody do some internet sleuthing to find me Leslie Jones’ sunglasses? I will owe you 100 virtual friend points, redeemable for: supportive comments (i.e. “amen, girl”s) and .gifs of kitties/puppies/otters. THANK YOU.
BUT WHAT OF THE SUNGLASSES, LESLIE?!?! I need to know. I have been looking for just that pair my entire 29.99 years.
I would argue that Jon Hamm likes to flaunt his big ol’ D. But maybe he’s actually just flaunting his disdain for underwear? #flauntgate
OooOoo Elon - that is some prepubescent facial hair. Hard to look smug when you’ve got a pube beard.
ME TOO. And I’m just like, “Nancy, you’re kind of the worst?”. I didn’t realize what an active selfish chaos-maker she was the first time around. But upon re-watch - WOOF.
Starred for opinions, but also for making me look up foment.
Season 2: Antoni’s got a chip (sic) on his shoulder and has something to prove. He kicks in the kitchen door on episode 1, holding a duck: “TONIGHT WE’RE MAKING FOIE GRAS STARTING WITH STEP 1: KNIFING THIS DUCK”. He shows everyone that he knows more about food than just being eye ‘candy’. Fin.
It’s just a natural ability that I’ve honed over the years! And yes, I still enjoy the reading process - I’m just able to get through more books. Being able to speed read is good in copy-editing/proofreading circles and I specialize in editing academic essays.
That is really rough. I chose to stay in the country for my MA (instead of going abroad) while my father was undergoing cancer treatment and I am forever grateful that I was available to my family during that time. HOWEVER he made it abundantly clear that I was never to delay my studies for him and, although…