Sea Bear

Btw: I did a little checking...

And you invented the question mark?

Ebola? I've shit scarier.

you do realize that the guy that ambushed Rumsfeld was a plant put up to it by a reporter, and the one sentence that was quoted was a desperate attempt to make him look like an ass. It only worked when fools got to state their opinion.


And here we have an example of what someone got out of that.

Diaz... You are on a gadget blog questioning if toys are cool... Did ya think that one through or were you to busy attacking the people who maintain your right to be a jackass?

Have you, in your arrogance, have you taught Ebola to respect wealth? Maybe we'll get lucky and avoid a breakout, but money will not buy us safety.

I gotta go with...

And instead of stripping the armor off of vehicles that don't need it, aren't designed for it, and where it was a spectacularly bad decision to add it on, they prove every statement I just made by acquiring DAGOR.

I am assuming that you are referring to Afghanistan? I kinda fell between wars.

I think forcing anyone to conform to a societal norm that does not impact anyone outside their immediate family is almost always a bad idea.


His job was convincing young men to die. The General, an actual combat veteran, couldn't stomach the snake oil salesman in a uniform, so he was going to send him where he could watch the men die who he had convinced to be there. When Cruise attempts to blackmail the general, the general decides that striping him of

So, basically it's a hummer.

Wrong Answer RPOC....

Well, keep in mind, the Hummer was never intended to be armored, and the manufactured outrage over uparmouring was really just so jackasses could attack Bush.

Liberia has had over 3,000 cases and over 2,000 of them have died. They started with one, and they have a population of about 4,000,000.

Ok, I get it now. You don't understand it either, but you are supporting the party line.

How exactly does closing the borders make things worse for the U.S?