Sea Bear

Oh really?

So, you agree, Calculated Risk Management says we should close the borders.

So, there is nothing to be gained by not closing the borders, and everything to lose.

One possibility is the many worlds theory.

This has probably been said after I will, but...

He's a Jack Ass. Does that explain it?

Umm... Yes, it would be a bad thing.

Nope, not buying it. Apparently there is so little risk that we don't need to worry about people coming from these countries. But you tell me that if we allow people to go there but don't allow them to come back until the end of the pandemic, them anyone who goes is on a suicide mission

While I don't think VeeZee should die for stupidity, I do agree that they are wrong. One of the more disturbing aspects of this outbreak is how long it is lasting.

Actually, look at the research from before the latest epidemic. It's actually easier to catch than the flu.


According to the WHO, it is inevitable that this will spread through Europe, and they are investigating whether or not Mosquitoes can spread this form of Hemorrhagic fever the way they can spread others.



It's hard to implement a perfect airport screening system, but even a perfect airport screening wouldn't be necessary. The chances of Ebola spreading in the U.S. with its first world healthcare infrastructure are already so low.

I can't be the only one thinking, "Kill it now before it takes over!!!!"

And Pluto's still a dog???

I'm here Huckleberry.

It is this that for which civilization was born and has ever since striven for!!!

My IIc came with a Green monitor. I will say this, the color monitors of the time sucked so bad that the green on black was a reprieve.