
It’s already been so long since it aired that I genuinely had forgotten her character died. So I really won’t remember anything when season 3 finally appears. 

In the latter instance, Jabbari recorded some of his ranting, in which he demanded she be more like Michelle Obama or Coretta Scott King. The audio, referenced in the prosecution’s opening arguments, was played for the jury (per Variety and Vulture). “I’m a great man. A great man. I do great things for my culture and

Thank you for being responsible for others’ well-being even when you were having trouble with caring for your own, and congratulations on the 10 months of sobriety.

I am an alcoholic, 10 months sober, and drank to blackout every night for almost ten years, and never once did I get behind the wheel wasted.

Honestly they’ll just replace him with another gay interior designer but what they should do is either drop the role or change it. The problem with Bobby’s role has always been that the rest of the goals are actionable for most folks. You could see something of yourself in the episode subject and come away with ideas

AWWWWW BOBBERS!!!! (in my JVN voice) He will be missed but I feel him getting his own which is a great evolution for him and I am here and ready for it!

Good on Bobby for moving on to bigger and better things. Honestly, the show has a shelf life, and it’s probably close to reaching it (if it hasn’t surpassed it already). The “heroes” in the last couple of seasons felt very carefully focus-grouped and lacking in authenticity compared to the early seasons.

The book does focus on the Osage. The film adaptation’s focus is not the same as the book’s. 

I’ve been reading Jezebel since about 2009.   This is crushing.

Thank you, Seabassy. I’ve long appreciated your comments, and this was a wonderful summing up.

EDIT: Well, it’s disturbing to see my post show up grey. Haven’t seen that since Rachel Vorona Cote (remember her?) followed me back in 2017. (Other than for a brief timeout after an asshole came after me!)

I started reading Jez in 2009 and cannot believe that not only is it over, but in such a sad, muted way. You all are wonderful and have made many a shitty day better.

Well, shit. I guess Jezebel is the latest victim of the unknown* serial killer who has been wiping out all my favourite sites. I’ll miss a lot of the smart, fun commenters, and I hope they all find somewhere else good to land. I hope the shitbag trolls find something else upon which to waste their sad little lives. It 

JBTipton here (former Rudedog from 10+ years ago). I will miss the commentariat dreadfully.

There are no greys here at Splinter. I am the caretaker and I decree it so.

I will miss Jezebel.

Private equity does it best, folks! /s/

Commiserations to Jezebel. Way back when, Deadspin was banned from “political” articles. Splinter was closed. Root’s comments were shut off, and now Jezebel’s gone. Pretty shitty pattern emerging.

Anyone wanting to mourn/commiserate over the closure of Jezebel, pile on here. I’ll miss that site so much. The Saturday Night Socials got me thru some truly crappy times.  My fellow-Jezzies are some of the most thoughtful commenters on the net.  

I’ve been commenting here for like 12 years and have never gotten un-greyed, lol. Guess it’s too late now!