
Start the Revolution Without Me (1970) is a ridiculously funny romp. One of my dad’s favorite movies, I grew up watching this on sick days home from school. Both Donald Sutherland and Gene Wilder play sets of twins separated at birth, growing up in different classes leading up to the French Revolution. Orson Welles

It has deep roots in racism as well:

I’m not sure where you’re seeing that because what I see is activists challenging the idea that a fat person de facto has these conditions and the idea that it’s thin people’s duty to inform fat people strangers about the “dangers” of their own bodies.

Due to the many disadvantages, the explanations for the increase in the average bmi in North America can only be explained by there being associated advantages, or environmental influences. Driving everywhere is necessary in modern times, when people are obligated to work full-time while raising children and

I often see the emphasis on thinness as an example of how beauty has been co-opted by competitive, capitalist values. It’s an effort to reframe beauty as a ’goal’, a sport, a scale of achievement with “winners” and “losers”.

Tina Fey’s response to said racial insensitivity accusations, in a note to the network asking them to pull the episodes in question: “I understand now that ‘intent’ is not a free pass for white people to use these images. I apologize for pain they have caused. Going forward, no comedy-loving kid needs to stumble on

I like how confident you are at being wrong. Have you seen him in Fire Island? Or Dicks? Also he’s in the biggest movie musical in decades, Wicked, so I think his career is doing better than yours.

I guess I’m not so willing to give a guy who lost every presidential primary he entered, except the one he was losing until the entire establishment panicked and rallied by him, and who is trailing fucking Donald Trump in the polls at this moment, the benefit of the doubt that he knows exactly what he’s doing here.

He’s saying he’s against abortion on-demand, he doesn’t want it. What other kind of abortion is there that he supports?

That he keeps undermining his supposed pro-choice position. What does it mean to be “pro-choice” and also “against abortion on-demand”?

There’s probably some confused moderate demographic that’s pro-choice in general but has bought into right-wing propaganda and believes “abortion on demand” means either going to the abortion drive-up window every Tuesday morning or forcibly dragging at-term babies out of mom’s hoo-ha with a Hoover.

What is the alternative to abortion on demand?  Why does he feel the need to keep letting everyone know how personally he is against abortion?

Sure, but I can understand someone underestimating what that level of scrutiny actually feels like. Especially someone like Kumail Nanjiani: a man in his 40's whose career was mostly comedy prior to this point.

You mean, you weren’t one of the fives of people who went out on opening day to see Prayer of the Terry–er, Terror on the Prairie, rather?! It made a whopping $804 in the US that day... boffo box office!

Does anyone know why our avatars have disappeared?

Miley looks like the small-town hairdresser who knows that Sandra is thinking of leaving Ted because she knows that Ted’s sleeping with Jessica, because Cathy - you know, Cathy, from the bakery, not Kathy from the pharmacy - said that she saw Ted talking to Jessica at the Bar and they were both laughing and Cathy had

Just gonna post the same comment I made at Pajiba about this:

It’s pretty wild seeing he admits to being a part of medical care for pregnant people and understood the nuanced issues a law like this could cause. He did this to women with full, accurate, medical knowledge of the stakes of doctors not being able to terminate non viable pregnancies. He did this to hurt us, without

He has never taken the high road though. Not with Janet, not with Britney. He’s addicted to the low road, at least as it pertains to women - which is par for the course for men in our society in general. 

The idea that DeSantis thinks he can “course correct” for a 2028 run is hilarious. How delusional is he? If his campaign in 2023 taught us/him anything, it was that the more people were exposed to Ron DeSantis, the more people intensely disliked Ron DeSantis. You cannot course correct your way into being a genuine