
Possibly not a dream. In your groggy state, your subconscious may have picked up enough of the timbre of even faint calls (screams) to manufacture a scenario. Or. Perhaps in your sleep-dep state, you were more open and accessible to any urgent energy streaming around you. If that poor girl were semi-conscious but

If you don’t want to add stress, then I would call the city about the street lamps and let the cops know what you saw (mention the street lamps to them, too - it’s not out of bounds to think it might be connected) in case this is an ongoing creeper situash, and then just tell your friend that you reported it so she’s

I submitted a spooky not scary one a bit ago, but the more I read there some of the sweet ones make remember this story, which is pure coincidence (if you believe in that even). 

This is part actual crime- part something else, so trigger warning for domestic violence; and if you’re thinking about getting out of a bad relationship for any reason, let this be the sign that you need to get out ASAP.


FYI, this one is kinda frustrating because it doesn’t really have much closure, but it’s something that has weirded me out for a long time.

Way too much description of boring minute details that are inconsequential 

And the entity ... didn’t want you to eat? This leaves me with questions 

Terrifying. I’m glad you’re okay and your husband was there to look out for you. Holy crap. 

When I was 10 years old in the 1990's in the Central Valley, California, I had already become the procrastinator I am today. I was up late working on a major term paper for our 4th grade class. It was never normal for me to stay up past midnight on a school night (or ever, really), but the research report was due the

The Rock & Roll “possession”

I see stories in all kinds of houses and flats. maybe you just remember the ones in Victorians. I would say there are more in old farmhouses. And over the years I cant think of many stories with nonverbal children. The scariest stories are the ones where kids are VERY verbal. There are a lot in New Orleans tho.

Creaky Visitor

Boo. GTFOH with your bad and unnecessary hot takes.

I find that is because no one knows the difference and it’s easier to classify a house as Victorian. Everyone knows what a Victorian is!

I’d be willing to bet this person works this type of #NotAllMen diatribe into almost every conversation, no matter how relevant or appropriate.

Wild guess: an animal? 

The ghost knew you’ve had a long day and was just telling you to go to bed by scaring the bejesus out of you. <3


There was a story submitted back in 2019 - the same experience originally told from the perspective of the daughter’s friend:

I really appreciated seeing this story from the other side (and the early section about Colorado City.)