
Exactly! War is always bad, better not to have one in the first place. But in the case of Russia, the threat of an allied NATO has always kept them on edge from major expansionist moves and the sanctions after their Ukraine invasion kept things at a low heat. Now with the sanctions possibly soon to lift, tensions are

I don’t get this obsession with professionalism. I’m an adjuster and I have a bright orange car with black racing stripes. If my client’s, claimants or insureds don’t like it.. Fuck em.

Np only because my first car was this.

It should be called an Aventa now since the door is gone.

They got rid of carbs a long time ago.

Someone driving in front of me hit a cat and it tore off it’s front leg. I drove up on it and and stopped the car to take it out of the road. When I found it, it was bleeding out and panting, so I wrapped it in gauze and took it too the vet. It didn’t make it... 

Yeah, but on Monday they just fall apart.

Stanced Toyota RAV3

Maserati of Troy is like Ritz Carlton of Haiti.

You know a few years ago video games stopped including manuals in the cases. That should have been our first warning.

So if this car has a frunk, does it also have a trunk behind the engine or something? If so, how should we call it?

Yes - well chosen.