
Nope, iPad is just fine. Android is amazing, flexible and all that, but when I´m in a plane and I actually pay for use the thing, I just want a baby capable menu and an error proof 100% functional device.

Now it seems legit!

Maybe this is just a bad joke from coworkers...

Maybe the battle to define the new car OS is starting. I saw that QNX also was powering the multimedia and gadgets of a porsche carrera, but was just a concept car.

I´m using BB almost exclusively because BBM, Im really thinking jump to android, but at least my whatsapp for blackberry isn´t like BBM. Sometimes the messages take some time to deliver and you don´t know if the other people read it or not. The little "R" is the only thing keeping me here.

This isnt new, I remember that using google you can find a lot of this cameras, at least in my case I never saw anything interesting.

At least the BB is only 100 dlls, in my contry the same phone costs equivalent to 700 USD without contract.

Maybe aluminum is more malleable than titanium, usually harder mean that is more fragile too, for example glass or ceramic materials are hard but aren't malleable so when you exceed their capacity it tends to fracture completely.

Please update when the goverment find the bad boy who throw his trash

It loose the form factor when youp ut them in your face, It seems like if someome spill something over you...

Well, for RIM every publicity is good at this moment, it keep people thinking about them

Agree! Maybe another alternative is exactly the opposite, made your phones with good hardware and running android, with this they might get into the popular market, students, young, and some adults.

FART fan

MAybe because the lack of mainteniance

Maybe you can program the unit to keep running after you finish your homework in the bathroom, a lot of this units turn off themselves when you turn off the light, and this isn´t too convenient for the next in the row.

I don´t know, I had an old pavillion that know nobody uses but it still keep the charge for almost an hour and is like 4-5 years old. The unique extra care that I took is unplug from the adapter when I turn ogg the computer. I never let the computer plugged all night and I think this works because now I have a 2

Thanks! now it makes sense...

The article was corrected

seeems legit

Maybe im just dumb or I´m missing something, but I think 25TB doesn´t seems to much data, I mean if you compare with their sucess and according to the rap song they made, they had the 4% of the internet data flow....