
Seriously? Oh add some red! Wow! I guess you are the target audience. Tiny differences, I’m starting to think you have no imagination either. At least Rogue One had tropical. Give a few creative people an hour and they could come up with something really cool. And why would a vehicle need a ski? Lots of vehicles in

Oh true I do remember that, but it looks exactly the same, who gives a fuck if it’s salt or snow? It looks the same in the same situation, you really want something so similar or how about they use their IMAGINATION and come up with something cool. I work on shows myself, this was fucking lazy and repetitive.

Wait you said the issues are based on trying new things? No, they are based on idiotic choices and for me lazy parts of the movie like having another almost exact Hoth battle, sure a few little differences but it was Imperial Walkers advancing on a Rebel base with shield doors, located on a frozen planet. Just stuff

If Finn and Rose didn’t go on their casino excursion, 85% of the movie would have been watching the galaxy’s slowest space chase. Which as a concept sounds hilarious.

Okay, let’s get into it…

All IMO obviously, but I left the theater thinking it was no better than Rogue One and by the time I got home I thought it was as bad as a the prequels. I found it messy and felt extremely long. The most interesting character, Snoke, they kill off without ever answering anything about him and he’s replaced with

I agree with much of what you say, but I really really liked that Rey’s parents were nobodies. It means the Force is more democratic, and isn’t purely a blue-blood royalty hereditary sort of thing. It’s time to move beyond the Skywalker family, perhaps

I am pretty sure I hated this movie. There were so many things in there that wasn’t Star Wars and didn’t feel like Star Wars. The Matrix Style slow motion ducking under the lightsaber, Luke brushing his shoulders off, the reach out and Luke ticking Rey with a leaf. The your mom joke. Leia’s Mary Poppins/Superman float

If Holdo had told Poe her plan, the whole middle third of the movie would have been unnecessary. Did she just not tell him cause he’s a hothead pilot? Where they worried about leaks?

And now a blast from the past:

Still whining about the Frozen short? Sounds like someone needs to...

I loved the first movie, and I’m the perfect audience for this one. However, I didn’t go see it. Why? Because I felt the first movie was perfect as it was, and did not need a sequel, and even if the sequel is “better than expected”, it can only diminish from the first.

Stop blaming shit on my generation. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some avocado toast to eat.

I wonder if it’s because this is a beautiful sequel that nobody asked for. I know that I didn’t go to see it simply because I’m satisfied with the Blade Runner I know (and all its 100 different editions) and i didn’t need a follow-up.

Autoplay is a scourge upon the internet. If it’s worth my while, I’ll fucking click on that video in my own good time, like when I’m not playing a game or listening to music.

One of the Forever People. Basically, imagine hippy gods that are out on road trip. His name is Serifan, and is basically a low-level telepath that dresses up like a cowboy.

He was born to be wild.

So, what’s up with that guy in the cowboy outfit?

As a Caucasian American with a traditional Christian upbringing, there really isn’t anything about Thor Ragnarok that interests me. From its Norse culture lore to the magic Vikings etc...seems a little off putting to show to your child

I’m no fashion guru, so I won’t pass judgement until I see it in motion. Right now it looks a bit too similar to a certain other TV alien, but even if I don’t like it I imagine it will evolve. Capaldi’s outfit varied a lot during his run.