
You, sir. You sir, are the best.

"My Mom thinks I'm enrolled here!" Personal favorite

I'm pretty much watching for this. I find the songs from the album kind of cheesy really, just ripping off quotes from the people interviewed in the show and whatnot. But it is cool to see forefathers of punk and funk and country and such talk about their experiences.

I think the point is that at a certain point people are willing to say 'Side effects be damned I have to take a chance because I'm screwed if I don't try something new' a la Dallas Buyers Club. People who are well educated, informed, and also probably had some counseling for mental issues(irrational choices made


I've never gotten the small amount per play argument though. Ok so let's do a math problem here. You sell an album for $10(made up price). An artist gets 10% straight up, so $1. And we can get further granularity by let's say 10 tracks. so $.10 per track per sale. A person now gets unlimited plays of this music for

You realize that cable companies just cut up the market and actively try not to compete with each other right? As has been stated in other comments, some people live in areas that there is no competition. If you want 'all the you features you want' you have to take the one ISP that can actually provide those services.

Dude, lived in Lexington from 2004-2011. All the feels for the downtown library incidents. There was also that couple of months where that guy was poking people with needles at UK's library. Oh Lexington...

I visibly and audibly wretched looking and thinking about that cake.

P.S. that music video for 'Lite Dream' is all just footage from the animated movie 'Heavy Metal'. So minus points for originality. But plus points because the movie is campy and awesome!

These statistics make me so so sad...

Translates to: "Worked in food service"

You could also be a real solid Kano

This guy...

Well, let's look at the Calipari years. Oh yeah, we go super deep into the tournament every year even with lackluster regular seasons that make us all want to pull our hair out. Yeah, we're fine. Not to mention even though the kids go through quick your average UK fan will also keep track of our players in the NBA,

As a Kentucky native and UK alum, this is accurate. Only a couple weeks til basketball season...

So when a workplace regularly schedules late-afternoon or early-morning meetings (or required overtime) it affects the entire family's budget and balance. Child-free workers also have a life, and a reasonable workday benefits them, too.

I was just thinking this. That people who chose to remain childless kind of get a raw deal in this. What would happen if they wanted to take a 2 month paid leave of absence to go <insert life altering event that they want to do here>? People would shit bricks and make you take your entire vacation that's what.

I think the main difference with the 'maze-like' thing was the first time I was running through the game it didn't feel like a maze. It felt like I was exploring and just happened to stumble into the right place. Did I go the right way? Maybe, oh wait I'm outside now, guess there's no turning back.

Jesus, now all I want is a taco at 9:30 in the morning at work