
i am now on PIA and its been great so far. there has only been one mishap where it wouldnt connect but it needed a update and because it didnt connect, it wouldnt update thru the app itself and i just had to manually download it and update it. its only been a month so far and the consistentcy has been better than

i am now on PIA and its been great so far. there has only been one mishap where it wouldnt connect but it needed a

personally i think its crap. i think the service is fine but the mac app is crap. it constantly just wont connect and sometimes i’m forced to restart the computer to get it working again. its been almost 2 years and the only time i didnt have issues was the first 6months. there were times when i was connected to

personally i think its crap. i think the service is fine but the mac app is crap. it constantly just wont connect

i’ve tried and a bunch of locations are being shady and saying you need to buy a big mac meal to get the coin

so you show a picture with 10-15 items and you only talk about 5?

if this doesnt charge thru usb-c and only to the provided wall adapter, then its not worth my time.

if they were really good designers, they would have took in the consideration that not all outlets lets you put in the prongs that way. some are sideways and when u plug it in, your iphone will not stay on. if they paid attention, they woulda made the prongs with the ability to rotate so that issue would have been

Hey Dell, you can bite my "too shiny" metal a....

thought it was a hardcore pair of earrings when i looked at it. its not so cool anymore after i found out what it really was.

that is what you call smart advertising.

i've only bought one thing from them in the last 10 years and it was a washer for my parents and i bought warranty with it so if they ever have issues with it, they have a store to go and get it fixed. easier for them since they dont have to call anybody. shady is as shady gets.

here is how this works. they are only cancelling your order because they need to keep stock levels up in their brick and mortar stores and because those orders came from cheaper deals that just means a win-win for them. they need to keep up stock up for the late rush of christmas season. that's just how it works folks.

@klyph: haha marble madness!!!!

i've seen this the day it was announced. hehe

@king_saberhawk: its the same thing as a city sticker. very car registered in chicago needs a city sticker. same in all the surburbian towns outside of chicago.

hey my ghetto-ass town mayor had the cops walking up to peoples driveways and ticketing people who didnt have village stickers on their cars.

i dont think im smart enough to understand what's going on in this video...

they have these at the apple store. its quite heavy for its small size. feels like a tank.

all i have to say is an extra 30 mins for character development would have helped a ton. this movie was a huge disappointment. m. night is definitely my least favorite director right now.

@MVorgitch: microusb mandate is europe only. nothing concrete is usa yet.