
What about the werewolves? The shapeshifters? John knew about those IIRC


Supernatural: Monster Mess

That would have worked too.

I would have loved to see Supernatural: Frontier Days or Supernatural: "I'm too old for this shit" with Bobby, Rufus and Jody

Oh you aren't raining on it. Nothing will ever not make me love that episode and Nightshifter.

I could buy the Alpha shifter had that quality because 'special snowflake shifter"

Also, Monster Movie used the shifter thing with the joke about pulling off the ear of Dracula and the guy that was playing the organ. "It's supposed to come off!" "No, it isn't"

Yeah I'll look for it. Thanks!

That's not true at all. Dean is a goddamn genius at hunting (unless the plot needs him to be stupid). But Dean and Sam and Gordon and everyone at Harvelle's and Bobby Fucking Singer were all smart hunters. Add to that the stuff in the MoL lair, there is no way in hell this wasn't known about.
I would have accepted an

I am right there with you. My first question was how the fuck did no one in the Hunter world know this was going all in all these years? nope nope nope. It's stupid.

They showed a preview of the Vampire Diaries where I am.

It was classic gross out Supernatural with meaning to the gross factor.

I'm actually really annoyed with this shapeshifter …shift. It lessens the impact of the episode 'Skin" where we saw the painful process of the shifter shedding his skin and becoming shapeshifter! Dean. On top of all the mind games it plays with everyone. I don't like this at all. :(

I remember back in s6 with the baby shapeshifter even that left goo behind but the adult shapeshifters didn't but I figured that was because of time needed to tell the baby shapeshifter story. I was just annoyed with the whole thing.

I have less than zero interest in the spinoff. I won't be watching. But could they have been anymore blatant with the brothers paralllel. ENOUGH SHOW. Let Dean and Sam talk to each other! /head desk

Wait, no preview for the next episode? WTF are you doing CW??

I liked Ennis and I liked his scenes with the boys. Bring Ennis into The REAL Supernatural and let him hunt with Dean and Sam.

Objectively, I am not really serious about it being objective. Obviously, it's all subjective. It was a joke. Even though I am dead serious that grades are totally wrong

I think given Don's state of mind, he knows he needs a familiar settingto rebuild his life. I doubt he'll stay forever.