
Clearly this is an opportunity for Talking Colbert: with Chris Hardwick, wherein he shows the best clips from Colbert and invites guests to talk about it.

See, I'm the opposite. I love his energy. He's just a giant dork and he's also very funny.

I love @midnight. I love Chris Hardwick.

Same here. I might have to buy some Bud with Lime or some Scotch and pour one out during his last show. I really feel like I could cry. I mean it's great for Colbert the man, but IMO it's a huge loss to the world of satire and politics too. I'm truly sad about this.

This is not a great day in America. :(. We need "Stephen Colbert".

Actually, in Jus in Bello it was part of Dean's plan to trap them in the building to use the exorcism recording. It seems to me that as long as the demon is somewhat incapacitated it should work as long as they can start it as soon as they are subdued or on their heels in some way.

I'm not sure it's necessarily a retcon or a mistake. It's possible he didn't remember the trailer because as a tweener those things might not have been something he'd pay attention to or think was important until later. That said I could be totally wrong!

I bet Hannibal Lecter has a recipe for that….

But you really don't want another heavy drama like Hannibal IMO because then you are oversaturated. I think Grimm is like palate cleanser before the really disgusting stuff

I'm not insulted. I'm saying that you are comparing apples and oranges here.

How do you figure Sherlock isn't a network show? It's on PBS because they struck a deal with the BBC.

Yeah, I'm kind of over the "good for network TV" stuff. There is some real boring and tedious and overly pleased with itself programs on cable. The only real difference is how much sex and nudity can be shown and use of swear words.

Look, I watch Grimm. I like Grimm. But it's a totally unfair comparison because the shows are not trying to be and do the same things. And FWIW, Grimm has been 'grim' and has had occasion to be gory. However, I do notice that even in this blog there is some crossover viewership /raises hand.

I never got that impression, however, I do think him sleeping with Alana is his way of sleeping with Will.

I don't even care that they make it up as they go along. I just love that they acknowledged in the show, it probably should have been addressed already.

Well, that was all kinds of fun. I give it an A- because I can. I was finally relieved that they explained how the Wesen know it's a Grimm and I LOVE that they lampshaded that we didn't learn until now with Nick actually acknowledging he probably should have asked before. That was a funny bit.

Honestly, I think that scene creeped me out more than the Leg of Gideon.

I'm not a cook, but it seems kind of ridiculous to nitpick this matter. I mean, Gods, if I were a showrunner and I discovered that my advisory chef actually knew the best way to cook Leg of Gideon, I'd be calling the FBI asap and then run the fuck the other way. Ack!

Welp, I guess Hannibal always gets a leg up on the other guy.

This is a terrific idea and should happen