
I kinda wish it were a different app so that I could blacklist the podcast app from my Scrobbler while keeping Play Music in the whitelist. I’ve got that problem now even with Doggcatcher—even though it is a different app, the actual playback is passed off to the Android Music Player. I can’t blacklist it without also

The difference is insurance vs cash. If you come to my practice as a cash patient you’ll know your liability in advance and your care will go much faster. Insurance is a giant game of Mother May I mixed with CalvinBall (for those who aren’t Calvin and Hobbes fans, in CalvinBall the rules are made up as you go).

I’ve often said for minor medical care and surgery, just go to your vet. They can do it just as well and for a lot cheaper and less billing hassles than a medical doctor. And I say this as a medical doctor who takes his dogs to the vet all the time. It’s a much more pleasant experience than having to deal with our

I also use Todoist, it seems to be the most flexible when it comes to creating all kind of recurring taks.

I do like that idea a lot. I have relatives that can associate every winning number with an event in their life and regret that they should have played it. The mental contortions they make are simultaneously funny and sad: “Oh, 37, that is when I got the diabetes, I should have played that!” “16, that is how old sissy

Lastpass manages access to your vault and its contents. The multi-factor options apply to the vault, not each site’s authentication scheme. You can designate trusted devices, such as home computer and phone, so that it doesn’t always require the second factor when you login to the vault. You can add more security

That’s exactly what I use it for! No way could i reach all the way across the Oneplus One with one thumb.

I have THE most insane Amway story. Probably 18 years ago me and my friend were cruising around looking for girls (yeah thats what you do when your 18 on LI and have nowhere to go), and we met this whole group of cute girls. We end up hanging out with them and one takes a pretty serious liking to my friend. So fast

Your average American will be to lazy to confirm which medications are okay to flush so this is generally bad information to provide.

You can even use the wood scraps you were planning on putting in the tube and save yourself the 16 dollars.

I think their plan for “survival” was a 3 hour eco-friendly walk to the nearest Whole Foods. This is basically an ad targeting urban hipster survivor wanna-be’s.

No love for Lawry’s (or anyone’s) garlic salt?!

Only anti-vaxxers and other crazies. The rest of us just worry about the bills man, the bills.

Exactly. I’ve lived in a couple of different places in the world, and the surest way to feel ‘at home’ is to get out there and make a place your home. That doesn’t come from hanging about watching TV.

Am I the only one who is suspicious about all these vulnerability checking apps?

LastPass was “hacked” in that some encrypted master passwords were stolen. However, for this to be useful to the hacker they would have to decrypt the master passwords (not a small/quick feat) and then they could try to sign in to LastPass to retrieve a user’s other passwords. If the LastPass user had 2 factor auth

This one.

This is a great video. Multilingual people come in all shapes and shades of skill and ability. In my experience as (to use the video’s words) a “coordinate” trilingual, I’m often met by two reactions when I demonstrate my different languages: either A) I don’t have time for that or B) I’m not smart enough for that.

we got one at work with a circle you press the button until your item comes up (spins around) put in money and open a hatch.. u take your stuff and it closes and resets to a certain point a minute later.. no problem.. (worst thing is you wont get 2 items and the good part is you get what you pay for)

You would be surprised how rarely those cameras matter. If you’re in a retail store and you’re trying to steal something, sure, the loss prevention people are going to be watching. However, if a private investigator wants to follow you around the store, they’re not going to call up Walmart and ask for their footage.