I read this entire article in Patrick’s voice.
I read this entire article in Patrick’s voice.
Google has already stated loud and clear how they feel about feed readers when they got rid of Google Reader. Yes, I am still bitter.
They also have a weekly email alert to summarize all the new Regular and Private channels that have posted in the past week. Very helpful!!
I have an ancient phone, and if I can get the app to run once during my 8 hour shift at work I feel lucky. I’ll have to give this a try.
Truly, I am going off to set this up right now. Chat heads on Android is obnoxious, and I have never enjoyed a native Facebook app which did not crash at least twice a week.
I don’t completely disagree with you, but then again, a ton of people buy those pre-made flash cards, apps, and such. I just think it’s important to see how vital the process of making them can be for your memory.
Nice addition to my language learning tool belt! Only wish I’d known about this earlier.
Vote: CamScanner (Android/iOS)
Vote: Weather Underground
It's cliché by this point, but slow cookers. I have other favorite tricks, but I'm hard pressed to think of another thing in my life that saves as much time. I can make a decent pot roast in less time than it takes to make microwave mashed potatoes. For the pot roast, I just drop some broth, a packet of spices, and a…
The free VMware player does not support snapshots. In general, when I create a VM, and configure it as a 'baseline machine' with updates and a few of my favorite utilities, I close out the machine and then make a compressed archive of the VM files. They all live in a single directory, and so can be easily archived.
Vote: LastPass
that's my favorite and the most versatile. I call it an dumpass.
I'm now convinced a pressure cooker and a waffle iron are the two most under-rated kitchen appliances.
Ever since I was a kid, I always heard that it was illegal to remove a mattress tag. Turns out that's totally not true. I'm not sure where or why this myth got started, but it seems like it's mostly based on poor wording. Mental Floss explains:
Hmm... I am struggling to find how this is any better that using the official Chrome App Launcher (see https://chrome.google.com/webstore/launc… or https://support.google.com/chrome_webstor…). I have it installed on my Mac and it does exactly what I need. Now, albeit the App Launcher from Google lives in my Mac's…