The RealVNC client for iPad looks like it's free today, too. (Just checked b/c I saw your post.)
The RealVNC client for iPad looks like it's free today, too. (Just checked b/c I saw your post.)
Splashtop is my vote, easily. It's by far the best when it comes to lag. I can actually watch videos on my iPad streaming from my desktop because somehow they figured out how to get the video to come across nice enough to see while keeping the audio perfectly in sync.
Vote: VNC
Hold a Baby
Perform CPR
I don't know about the rest but I certainly would have a hard time using IE and Winamp on my Linux machine.
Also.... IE... I'm not sure, but isn't Google Chrome the most used browser now days, cause if it is, then the "sheeple" don't even use IE either. d: (Before asking, I'm an avid Firefox fan.)
Works on:
Mac OS X
Debian GNU/Linux
Gentoo Linux
Arch Linux
Slackware Linux
Mandriva Linux
ALT Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Vote: VLC
Why: so far it opens everything I throw at it. (Period)
Sriracha + Ketchup is my go to sauce!
Exactly! I handle warranty claims as part of my job, and being able to look at the aggregate claims as a heat map — on an actual map — is so much more helpful than looking at a Pareto chart.
Unless it's panettone (Italian fruitcake). Mmmmm.
I think I saw a book on how to deal with that. I will try to find the title.
Try DoggCatcher for podcasts - I don't use it too much, but the paid version updates podcasts automatically (Great way to differentiate tieirs, if you ask me)
Another method would be to use the app Authy, which has the capacity to store TOTP (Google Authenticator style) tokens for use across multiple devices. The tokens are encrypted on the client side so you aren't giving away your codes to anyone and its UX is so much better than Google Authenticator.
Google does this:…
Vote: Gimp
@sdreelin - When you are ready to enroll, simply use the OCR code to scan on both devices at the same time. Alternatively, you could copy the OCR code and re-use it later. this way you can have multiple devices with the Google Authenticator able to assist you.
What you can do is set up your Authenticator again, and this time save a screenshot of the QR code. You can then scan that same code every time you want to set up a new device. I saved my code in an Evernote note with an unrelated title, so that I can pull it up anytime I need it. Until I read about this in a forum…
The best benefit to paying a little extra for a crock pot is for features such as a timer. Depending on the meal you make it may need anywhere from 4-8 hours of cook time. So if you work full time and cannot make it home to turn it on at the right time at least you are spared an overcooked and/or burned meal.
Electric tortilla press! *High five* You got the sickness bad :)