
I use Google Voice and loved the Goog-411 feature from the main will be missed....

Lock-N-Lock is another brand that is almost identical. These containers are awesome and airtight, but one thing to be aware of is you need to check the rubber seal every now and then for mold. It can get down in there if you are not careful.

@skorned: Google Sites....they offer some templates to boot and I think a community site is one of them.

@Snafu77: Hit the little three dot button next to the name (on the right) and it will open up a box where you can move all data to the last name leaving the first name blank. Then you can dial from chat/GV. Outlook suffers the same thing!

Funny how Facebook get's the big evil moniker when they are only re-using the information you provide them! The media jumps on Facebook, but nobody thinks about the fact that your grocery store knows you married dudes buy the super absorbent mega sized tampons! And hey, why not shoot you some coupons for your next

@dreamscapesoftware: Or a dang phone or hey, here's an idea.....go hang out with those "friends"!

@Prairie Moon: Um, so don't walk at night. Plan your trips or go in packs. I see a lot of skimpy dressed females out running at night alone and wonder to myself, could they use more common sense? Of course they could be the ones who know jujitsu! Just a thought.

Doesn't appear to be a 64 bit version. Anyone know of a good encoder running on 64 bit Win7???

Competing with Google Apps maybe? Price looks nice. This could spawn a price war!

I agree, the title is a bit misleading. That said, I think a lot of people have too much stuff. We do need stuff, stuff makes us happy, but there does come a time when one can have too much stuff. Seems the point of the article was more about becoming better organized. Organization and some stuff makes us happy!

Vote: Epicurious

You only flip it once so you can preserve the grill marks, but if you don't care about grill marks, flip away.

@wætherman: FYI....Amazon does URL shorting right on the product page if you click the "Share" link under the add to cart box it pops up a box with the permalink for that product. For instance for a Flip Video you use: [] (just noticed Lifehacker puts in the site, but hover over the link and it shows you the

Hard to beat all the bells and whistles of PowerPoint, but I've been checking out Google Docs's basic, it's free, it's online (or downloadable), and it's got built in sharing! Hard to beat for basic stuff and seems to convert PowerPoint presentations well so my final vote is: Google Docs Presentation

Start making soup and canning it to eat all winter long! Yum!

Firefox because the plugins I use really work for me. I also hate all the "minimalist" approach to the new versions of browsers. Firefox's interface may be dated, but I have access to everything I want right there on the screen. Looking at the IE9 previews, it looks like it's so dumbed down that even Lindsey Lohan

O.K. wait a minute...they are in Boston and they are using good balsamic vinegar in Budweiser? What a waste of good vinegar. They should have at least used Guinness or Sam Adams! Come on!

Most neighborhoods aren't crawling with hackers looking to steal WiFi, but they are crawling with leechers looking for free WiFi! Any way, broadcasting or not...turn on the dang WPA! Also if you are in public with your WiFi and don't need it, turn it off. Most laptops come with a switch and it's that simple to turn it

@wickedcupofjoe: I had a similar problem and it turned out the signal to the modem was just at the lowest levels (several splitters fed the modem and a couple of TVs). When the temps rose the modem would loose connection. A decent cable amp fixed this, but you cannot use just any cable amplifier. You need one that has

WOW! Thank You! Something from time to time wipes out some of the artwork on my songs (I suspect it's Windows Media Player doing it) and having over 8000+ songs in my iPod, it's hard to find them other than stumbling upon them when they play.