Sanka, ya dead?
Rolling my eyes on this narrative of Cam being put upon by the media. ONE stupid woman wrote a letter detailing her daughter’s negative impression of Cam (likely fabricated as the mom later recanted when people around her told her how dumb her whining was.) Cam says just as dumb of stuff, saying how white America…
This you complain about, after this admin declaring the filling of the NCAA brackets a national holiday?
One of these people WILL be in the White House because Clinton or Sanders will be the death of the country. Yes, you heard it hear first. Suck it, haters.
“Dems” were a major part of the problem in Flint...... And if they asked them? They would say they would fix it. What do you think they would say? Nice try.....
Wait, an alleged journalist from ABC asked these aspiring leaders of the ostensibly free world who they thought would win a game?
I’d still rather be in the stall with her when she unleashes that unholy fury than eat that fucking bologna cake that Tom and Samer made.
I’m pretty sure that’s just his instruction to the artist.
Wow, I tried making a relevant comment and it was moderated away, along with several other greys I remember reading. Funny, the thoughtless anti-gun sentiments are okay, but the gang-related and personal responsibility-related sentiments aren’t? Nice bias.
Remember: had Kelly Olynyk not armbarred Love, the Cavs would have won the title last year.
No one can write as bad as tom ley
“Does he keep it lubricated, or...” Sixers color man Alaa Abdelnaby wants to know some very intimate details about…
Well, when it comes to Washington and violence with soccer players, there is always Hope.
Basically I chopped your legs off at the knees before you could keep running down the "This Comment Was Racist" Trail. The commentator was not being racist, nor did he use "uppity" as you chose to do. Ghando obviously was referencing Richard Sherman's shitty behavior and his audacity in saying (to someone he never…
more like Sherman comes off as an asshole that didn't deserve to go to such a fine school
I'm happy for his aspirational (and well documented) story, but as a Stanford alum I'm not happy with his mouthiness. You'll be rewarded for the things you do, not the things you say.