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    Bring back Fight Night, goddammit! And also make the boxers move a little faster.

    Having played FFVII, the header image looks more like a promotional poster than anything that happened in the original game. If it’s something expanded in the remake, I don’t know what it could mean. Just my two cents.

    I didn’t realize the phrase Ok, Boomer” was from a song. That video was terrible and absolutely cringey.

    Sharktopus vs Pteracuda would look so much better as a kaiju-themed anime or video game instead of a live action movie.

    Also, their CEO gets a bonus!

    Still nothing on Metroid Prime 4. :(

    I’m pretty sure it’s satire.

    Amen to that.

    This is a great article, but back to the first paragraph:

    Holy crap what is this shit?

    Wow that looks complex and fun. 

    Alt-Headline: SARS-CoV-2 provides a good cover for E3 this year!

    PSA, Yifei supports police brutality.

    Also thanking Russia for the great timing.

    One of the map designers for Ori 2 is the creator of Another Metroid 2 Remake (AM2R). I expect good things from that alone.

    Scythe’s naturalistic art looks amazing because it makes the mechs feel like a natural part of its universe, even though we know it never happened in ours.

    For my family of two, the 3 qt Instant Pot lasts up to two meals. So for one person it should in theory mean you’re only cooking for four meals.

    This! r/Fitness has a whole wiki detailing the limitations of both programs. They’re quite harsh, but they have some utility in that they’re easy for beginners to pick up compared to the actual recommended beginner programs.

    Unagi. Tastiest fish on Earth. Sadly unsustainable.

    PSA: Friendly reminder that Neopets kicked out the founders and is run by Scientologists.