
Why anyone would buy a Grand Cherokee - or any Chrysler product - over a 4Runner is beyond comprehension. Seriously, don’t people EVER learn? 

Heh. The Facebook comments on this article are far different than the positive ones here. Not ONE person here has a critique about this article or how it’s just a paint job on a plane? Or how inherently biased this author is? It’s NOT the end of the world! Jalopnik has seriously turned into liberal propaganda.

They could have been sold to dealerships or their owners.

Don’t forget the IS-F which in my opinion is the best v8 sedan ever made. It’s drop dead reliable. It was produced all the way up to 2014.

Nobody seems to have a problem with the Audi Q8 front end. 

Fake news! It’s all just to generate PR like this article!

Or, you could have a pistol to counter his. Just saying. 

Seems like 90% of the cars in China are white. Why?

The guys should go to jail. Women are NEVER wrong. 

Why? That already exists. It’s called the Miata...

Sadly, I don’t think the suburban moms, dads, and grandparents buying these things could care less if it has 450hp or 200hp, or is rwd or fwd. They probably don’t even know what an oil change is.

The MKIV Supra was never a sports car... It’s a luxury GT.

or... McLaren. Just look at the 4 ft overhang on the Senna.  

Here is some logic for you. I hope you realize that the ONLY way Toyota was going to make this car happen (albeit make it cost effective) was to share the platform and engineering with BMW or another manufacturer. Toyota had to clearly shorten and alter the design to fit the BMW Z4 chassis. This is evident by the

It’s a damn game... Get your sjw rhetoric out of here please. 

It’s the typical internet keyboard warrior responses. Any new sports car that’s released that isn’t an impractical Italian or British exotic, is ripped apart in seconds. None of these people commenting even have the money or intention of purchasing one. 10-15 years after they stop making it, everyone will be crying

Where is the full uncut video? At the beginning he seems to have already been standing for photos. Also, who the hell cares? How is this even detrimental to anyone’s life?

If you actually watched the video, you’d see they are being sponsored by AutoZone. They are clearly promoting their sponsor...

When will it break down?

No thanks. Lexus IS > G37/Q40. The Lexus runs around the same price used. It’s 100 times more reliable in the long run.