
No, please be stupid with gasoline.

Let’s thin the herd a bit.

I can’t even tell you how many times my wife has asked me why we’re going a certain way and I reply “I’m doing what Google says”. It’s some Pavlovian response to Google Maps. The only time it’s gone disastrously wrong was when I was driving my car to a Best Buy and wondering why it had me cut through a park and into

He was accused, they investigated, and found enough to shit can him. Do you really think they would dump him if they didn’t find corroboration of the accusations?

A contact high? Maybe if you’re hotboxing a car, but then why would you be in the car if not to get high?

Just don’t forget your saw!

Well fuck you and the last ten generations of your nappy haired family for voting for that nasty old lesbo Clit-on. When you are dead I plan to shit on your corpse!

Yes. You would think the people setting up her account would have stopped and said maybe we shouldn’t do this...

Flipside option; Paint it hot pink, Hello kitty the crap out of it, and then do a few mods to make it kind of capable, take it to manly offroad events, and embarass people a lot, because who wouldn’t be embarrased by being outclassed by a hello kitty wtf mobile...

Ages ago when I was frontline Service Desk I got a call from a new employ who was not happy with her email address. We would use first letter of first name and then first seven of last name. Her name was Paula Ussery. You do the math.

This article is literally a bunch of fluff around a video.