
Oklahoma was literally founded on the idea that you should be able to just take things away from Native Americans if you want it bad enough so I am not surprised.

Guy is charged with seven felonies and no one’s burning his jersey and posting it online. Wonder why that is?

JK it’s because no one ever owned a Bruce Miller jersey.

Curt Schilling’s Facebook Lock Of The Week

“Tad Dickman"?! This is the title of an 80s parody porn, I'm assuming?

White hypocrites: “Black people should protest peacefully, not loudly in the streets.”

If it’s so important that teams stand at attention during the anthem, then isn’t playing it before they’re on the field MORE disrespectful?

If only Steve Jobs had loved chemo, we could ask him.

Stealing from the rich to give to the po’boys.

You’re my gyro

Unfortunately, we community colleges are somewhat limited in being able to just accept transfer credits all willy-nilly from these for-profit schools who choose to not subject themselves to the same accreditation standards we do. In my state at least, our schools work hard to ensure that virtually all gen ed classes

You should probably just stick to Chipotle.

Sadly, not the first Arkansas head coach that can’t keep track of his bitches.